View Full Version : I am struggling to breathe...please help!

18-06-11, 15:42
For the last 30 mins I am struggling to breathe and my heart is beating fast and my head dizzy, I keep breathing into a paperbag but it not helpinh, I am really panicking now, I didn't think these attacks were sposed to last this long

18-06-11, 15:43
Maybe go in the chatroom there are lots of people in there see if they can help you.

18-06-11, 15:48
You really must distract from the attack hun.

Going into chat is a good idea too as you can get people to talk you down.

Also make yourself a hot, sweet cup of tea as it helps with shock of having a panic attact as it does scare the b'jesus out of you.

Remember it CAN'T harm you in any way. :hugs:


18-06-11, 15:55
Thanx guys, can't go into chat at the month as have no access to me computer, I am on the internet on my phone and its too slow on chat, still hyperventilating, having some water and trying to distract myself with telly and book, will let u know how I get on :-(

18-06-11, 15:57
Just keep calm you have managed to come on here and I know it's difficult but it will pass.

18-06-11, 20:55
I was told to do the castle breathing. (not sure if it'll help but you could try) breath in for 2 hold for 2 breath out for 2 hold for 2 and make sure your breathing from your diaphragm not your chest.

Hope you feel better soon.

18-06-11, 21:25
Try lying on your back for a bit on the floor. Opens you up. And if you can, just close your eyes and focus on each of your body parts, and as you breathe out, you are releasing the tension from each area.

19-06-11, 00:42
Hope you're feeling better now honey. xxx

19-06-11, 07:39
Thanx for asking, my breathing did ease up eventually yesterday. The only thing is now I'm really working myself into a panic about my sore calf muscle and worrying about it being a blood clot, so now I can feel my breathing going dodgy again, wish I could get out of this cycle :-(