View Full Version : Tired

obsessive b
18-06-11, 16:36
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to ask a question, I have been on Citalopram for nearly 3 weeks yet first 2 weeks were awful after swopping from Seroxat but gradully seemed to be getting better this week. Wen to a party last night hardly drank anything and due to my nosiy kareoke friends did not get to sleep till about 5.30 this morning and was up at 9.00. Today I am worn out to be expected and have had periods of feeling low is this to be expected?


18-06-11, 19:46
It's normal, in these mental conditions and with the medicine still haven't done its work, the body is weaker mentally/physically than usual. That's my experience of course, i feel it that way

obsessive b
19-06-11, 10:32

Thanks for you resposne - are you on meds if so how long do they normally take to work?


19-06-11, 10:56
I am on citalopram 40mg for 8 days now (after being on 20mg for 1.5yrs but the health anxiety and depression hit me again). Usually citalopram makes you feel better after 15-20 days but again it depends on the person. One thing is for sure- you need to take it at least a month in order to feel really OK

obsessive b
19-06-11, 13:19
Thanks for the advice - how are you feeling at the moment?

19-06-11, 14:59
Well, the first 2-3 days were a little bad with side effects (some head pressure, "pins" going through my whole body, nervousness, body stiffness) but gradually they fade away. As for the mood- i felt improvement from the very first days (maybe because i was already taking 20mg for a long time), now i don't feel depressed and don't pay so much attention on my health but at the same time i'm not "too" happy- maybe somewhere on the middle. Hope i will soon be really happy as that was the case with my previous experiences with citalopram:D If there's something else- ask

obsessive b
19-06-11, 15:20
Do you suffer with anxiety/panic too thats more the reason I was put on thm - if so have they helped that? :)

19-06-11, 16:35
I'm impressed than you goto parties LOL so theres a big hug right away. My anxiety would drive me nuts at a party with strangers.

obsessive b
19-06-11, 16:47
Hi Nicky

How long have you suffered? R you on any meds?


19-06-11, 18:41
Do you suffer with anxiety/panic too thats more the reason I was put on thm - if so have they helped that? :)
The main reason i am taking them is the anxiety (health anxiety) and the accompanying depression. Although i have had panic attacks too- citalopram really helps to get rid of them. The medicine leaflet also states it helps for PAs so if you have such- they will go away. When one starts treatment with citalopram and has strong panic attacks, the Dr could prescribe tranquilizer also (i have taken benzodiazepine tranqulizer for that- xanax) while citalopram has its work done.

19-06-11, 19:56
I'm on day 23 of cit and the past couple of days I've been extremely tired, it's much better than the high anxiety though :) I think the tiredness should settle down

obsessive b
20-06-11, 15:43
That's true Vicky anything is better than anxiety. Do you think they are helping you?

20-06-11, 18:05
I don't really see much difference with then yet tbh but I've been told it can take around 6 to 8 weeks so I live in hope lol :)

obsessive b
20-06-11, 18:24
Me too x