View Full Version : lymphoma - gland in neck

18-06-11, 16:44
hi guys,

i have been worried now for the past 2 weeks about a gland that is enlarged in my collar bone area. i was playing football 2 weeks or so ago and hurt my shoulder. its been aching since. but obviously paying more attention to the area drew me to the gland.

it is a little smaller than a pea in size is directly above the collar bone in line with my ear. it is moveable and a lil hard.

i have had anxiety issues for 2 years on and off and am finally going for a ct scan on monday to relay my braint umour fears. but now this is more on my mind and worrying me to death.

i do have sme pain in the area generally but not sure if its the gland causing the pain now?

i have been to a&e 9 days ago, my gp twice and to the walk in centre today and all have said it feels a normal size and does not particularly worry them?

i had blood tests in march altho i realise hodgkins and non hodgkins doesnt show on blood tests really.

if it was a lymphoma how quick would i notice it getting bigger and when should i start to worry.

any help would be great cause on top of the fear of my ct scan things are gettting a lil much for me to deal with! :(

cheers guys

19-06-11, 12:05
no one else suffer with this?

any advice would be great as i am quite scared :weep:


19-06-11, 12:10
I might be able to tell you more by tonight Mike, as I know someone who had Gland problem.

19-06-11, 12:23
I have a swollen lymph node behind my ear. It's been there for a few months. I've been to the Doctor a few times and had a blood test and my results were fine. At my last trip to the Doctor she said my lymph node has shrunk. It's still swollen, but not as big as before, which is a good sign. Just remember that so many things can cause swollen lymph nodes. Cuts, grazes, acne, coughs, colds, flu. Anything at all really. Don't Google any symptoms because it makes you feel worse. Some lymph nodes never go down after infections. x

19-06-11, 12:33
how big was the lymph node behind ur ear? mine feels like a pea and it moves under the surface of the skin! :(

4 medical pros have said its nothing to worry about but i find it hard to take theri word for it! :(

19-06-11, 12:41
Mine was a bit bigger than a pea. It was red and painful at first. Then after a few weeks the pain was gone and it wasn't red. It was just like a big lump under my skin. Now it's just a small painless lump which isn't really noticable. Before people could see it and now my friends say you can't even tell it's there. If I look at it I can still see it, and I can slightly feel it if I rub my finger across it. Mine was movable, but it was more hard than soft. But I think it might have felt harder because behind the ear is quite a bony place. Last time I went to the Doctors she tried to measure it but she said she couldn't because the edges weren't defined like they were before and it's hardly there. All along she said it was nothing to worry about, but I do still worry, especially because I've got petechiae too. This morning on the side of my neck I swear I felt another lymph node and I can mayyybee see it when I crane my neck to the side. I felt the other side too, to check if there was one there too, and I think I can feel one, but I can't see it, so I'm a bit worried about that, but maybe that's just muscle or bone or something. :/ It's often hard to forget it's just health anxiety that makes us this way. Hope you're lymph node goes down soon because I know how hard it can be to live with worrying about it. x