View Full Version : Paralysing panic attacks :(

18-06-11, 16:49
My panic attacks have gotten so bad that sometimes they bed ridden me for the rest of the night. I'm scared to go anywhere because I know that as soon as I have one my bed is the only place I want to be and the only place I will calm down.
I have sort of made it my safe haven, even though it doesn't stop them it helps me feel comfortable.
My panic attacks lately have been making me feel like death, they will pin me to the bed in pure tiredness, weakness and sickness.
Anybody similar?

18-06-11, 16:51
When I had agoraphobia the only place I could be was my bedroom even going downstairs to eat or have a bath set one off. So I know exactly what you going through.

20-06-11, 22:41
I know exactly how you feel i have suffered from horrendous panic attacks the effects lasting days, i would go from one to another without almost any break. At one point last year, my husband called my mum as he was fed up rather than concerned i think but my mum bless her heart sat with me for 2 solid days and nights before the attack and effects finally subsided. I too end up bedridden, weak, exhausted and sick, i feel so bad i strugle to explain. I became house bound through fear of the attacks striking me as they were happening so frequently i didnt seem able to get enough respite to go anywhere. One particular incident will stay with me forever i think, it was my daughters nativity play at school, my husband was away on business so couldnt make it but my mum and sister in law were coming with me. My SIL has no time for 'mental' illness so i always try hard not to appear 'crazy' lol in front of her. im sure it goes without saying that's enough to bring on an attack in itself! Anyway by the time my mum arrived at my house 45 mins before play started i was in a complete mess, in the midst of a full blown attack, pacing around, feeling like death. i was convinced there was no way i was going to make it, however my mum said to me that there was no way she was going to let me miss this as i would regret it all my life. I was driving, god help them! it was the worst journey, i was shaking so much i kept stalling the car that and stopping every 2 mins convinced i was going to vomit. Eventually we got there, I was by this time hyperventilating, shaking uncontrollably, my mum was holding me up but the whole time she just kept talking to me about completely random things like everything was completely normal!! i couldnt bear to be contained in a seat so my SIL sat down and my mum and i stood up at the back, she took hold of my hand and said to me, everytime i squeeze your hand, breathe. Somehow, slowly but surely it distracted me and managed to help slow my breathing and about 45 mins into the play i began to actually enjoy myself.
I was completely exhausted and fell asleep for 4 hrs when i returned home but im so grateful i made it to that play, my SIL never did forgive me and has barely spoken 2 words to me since that day but some people will never understand.
Although i still suffer from occasional panic attacks, that day has helped me to see that although i felt so bad, literally like death, it took something so simple to stop it, because it is only panic and there is nothing seriously wrong with you, however much you are convinced there is, nothing will happen, the attack will come and go just like it did the time before and the time before that. i know first hand how horrendous you feel but the sooner you can teach yourself to take the fear factor (as in this one is different, its definitely worse, im def dying this time) out of it and accept them as attacks that come and go - the severity and frequency will diminish. I wish you luck with this, feel free to contact me anytime if you want too. sending :bighug1:

21-06-11, 07:51
I have had panic attacks most of my life(50 years),But i still do the the things that I would normally do,If I get angry or talk to people they go,Distraction is the best way of all,every morning I get up there they are,my adrenalin rush,es I call them ,I have some times when they disappear for weeks and then back they come,Plus I have a continuous ringing in my ears but even that goes in certain circumstances,I am not saying that any of this is easy its very difficult to deal with,but since I have semi retired and with time to think it has been far worse,but it won,t hurt you physically I am living proof of that,just try and keep persevering however hard it gets.Take care :)