View Full Version : Bad Day

Silly Blonde
24-04-06, 12:21
Hi All

Had terrible weekend - really bad lower stomach ache and lower back ache. Some days (when I'm feeling ok) I accept that its just IBS. But on bad days, I am just itching to "Google".

I'm working myself up into a state because I have my routine (how come 3 years went so quickly!!!) smear test this week and I am so scared it may show something nasty.

I'm getting married next month and because I am still convinced I have something wrong with my gynae bits, and because I seem to have stomach ache all the time, sex has become non-existent! My partner is sooooo patient, but I'm getting really worried.

I just want to feel normal and symptom free again!!!

Surely all this pain MUST mean there is something seriously wrong?????

A Worried SB xx

24-04-06, 13:01
Hay there love and you are not a silly blonde

Babe have you been to the doctors for a little check-up just to reasurre yaself? This is always the best place to start with, im sure your perfectley fine.. but i always think its the right way to recoverey.
What you explain there sounds to me like anxiety..im always having a upset stomach i mean really bad ya know at the best of times and pains in the bottem of my back, you would be surprized at the level of symptoms that you get with this anxiety it is unbelivable, and true it feels so bad that you just cant get ya head round it can ya and feel that defintley there has to be something wrong.. trust me there isnt babe.

Im sure that your smear will be a poisitive result too sweety.

Wow ya getting married , bless how lovley im happy for you, guess the stress of orginizing all that dosnt help.. its very stressful right, so that will make you tense as you want everything to go well..

Take some time out for yourself somewhere darling, as a little time for yourself may help, but your post dosnt tell me that you have anything serious..

Its not easy is it , when you feel so bad .. i know love... i know.

ashley xxx

P.S dont google , it will do you harm more than good.. but i guess you know this anyway.

Silly Blonde
24-04-06, 14:32
Thanks Ashley

I've been to the docs soooo many times!!!! I even bullied my GP into sending me for a pelvic ultrasound last month because I convinced myself I had something wrong with my ovaries, like a huge tumour!! Needless to say it was all fine!

I've also had floaters in my eyes and so booked myself in for an eyetest - I've just got back now and it was all fine - other than the fact that I am very short sighted (which I knew already!!!!!)

As my psychologist keeps telling me - I've been complaining of these symptoms for over 18 months, if it was something serious, it would have got me by now!

Thanks for your kind words - and I do need some time out!! I've started acupuncture, which at first was a little scarey, but now I find it strangely relaxing!!!

SB x