View Full Version : Damn Palps Again!!...

18-06-11, 18:01
As I'm sure you can guess I'm pretty annoyed right now - stupid ectopic beats are back with a vengence today!

I went out drinking last night and probably had a little too much. My overconfidence last night was short lived as today I feel awful. Not only a hangover which is bad enough, but the added discomfort and inconvenience of flip flopping in my chest!

It's funny how when you've had a drink or three, you feel absolutely fine and all your troubles disappear. But of course due to the alcohol and dehydration and the irritation on your stomach, the next day you feel a hundred times worse!

I sometimes wonder if that kind of invincible carefree state is just the real me trying to come through after years of supression thanks to health anxiety. I mean, if anything was wrong it'd be wrong while I was drunk too right?

Still, I am feeling it today and sometimes it just helps to talk about it I guess and that's why I love this forum because I can talk to people who know how this feels! :yesyes:

18-06-11, 18:32
Hi chris this is one of the reasons i dont drink .I havent had a drink in 10 years because of the anxiety and ectopics it causes the next day just wasnt worth it.Also i did suffer the most horrific hangovers so it wasnt hard to say no more alchol.But i would love to be able to enjoy a drink now and again as it does relax you at the time and gives you some confidance that i dont have normally.Maybe next time you out maybe try not to have as many and maybe you wont be as bad .Just remember it will pass and by tommorrow you will feel better.Kind regards molly x

18-06-11, 18:54
I'm going to be staying off the hooch after doing this to myself on Tuesday night! At some point I must learn that when I start drinking whiskey straight I'm just begging to spend the next day or two in HA hell....

18-06-11, 19:04
Thing is I love a drink or two. I'm only 23 years old and I feel like I'm losing the best years of my life here while all my mates go and have a laugh. It's so frustrating. The worst thing is when I'm a bit tipsy I remember what it feels like to be carefree and not so tense and I wonder why I cant just feel like that all the time :shrug: .... without becoming an alcoholic of course! :D

It's still the same me, just after a couple of pints, but all of a sudden I feel better! It's very odd. I suppose it just reiterates the fact that health anxiety is basically all in your mindset and if you suddenly just said sod it lets live (as you do when you're drunk) then you'd feel the same sense of euphoria? :shrug:

18-06-11, 19:56
i had quite a few drinks on thurs night and i really did suffer yesterday. i have been trying to limit my alcohol intake as the day after seems get worse everytime but i feel like i've already altered my lifestyle so much coz of anxiety and a drink does help me relax. i did have a really hard day yday though, palps none stop and major sweats. no matter how much i told myself they were just anxiety it didn't help and they just kept coming. i have lots pals drinking more than me and more often. its unfair.