View Full Version : please someone reply, i need your help im so sad

18-06-11, 19:39
im convinced i dont have health anxiety, that the doctors are wrong or arn't paying attention and then i would die with no warning or not knowing what was wrong. this is gettign me down so much to the point of i feel like giving up. i think i have social, health anxiety and OCD :( its taking over my life, do these symptoms sound normal to you?

- continuous left eye severe headaches, with a weaping left eye.
- constant dizzyness feelign like almost collapsing.
- eye aches
- sickness
- muscle pain
- stomach pain (could be olsar)

please somebody help, i am at breaking point and i am only 16 :( ive missed most of my exams and now not going to college because of this horrible illness. am i ever going to be happy? :(

18-06-11, 19:43
ear aches**

18-06-11, 19:44
I have had all those this week and I still question if it's health anxiety but after 8 years if it was something more serious I would have known.

The eye stabbing is a big one for me as is constant dizziness.

Could this be caused by your exams? How long have you had it?

18-06-11, 19:45
I dont really worry about my exams really, i mean i dont get nervous about them, ive had these feelings and pains for a while now and they feel like they are getting worse, ive tried to ignore it but i can't :(

18-06-11, 19:48
What have the doctors offered you? Tablets? Counselling? how long is a while months or years?

18-06-11, 19:50
I'm not trying to diminish your symptoms, but all of those things could be caused by excessive computer use.
If you have seen a doctor i'd be reassured, they wouldn't just dismiss you at your age x

18-06-11, 19:58
im having councilling its not helping though, yeah i thought about the computer thing aswell, but then i think its not possible and stuff, i just dont get it :( Im going offline now, but will be online later or tomorrow, hope to here from you soon, thankyou x

18-06-11, 20:19
Hi Duke,

Your symptoms sound so much like the viscious cycle of anxiety which so many people manage to get entangled in.

It's so so easy to fall into the pattern of thought that something is wrong with you when you feel any little symptom and of course, if that is your thought pattern, you're going to notice the symptoms more and more.

Take this example: If you were considering buying a car, you'd suddenly notice that particular car all over the place. Not because there are more of that type of car, but because it's on your mind and you therefore notice something which was there all along!

In anxiety, it's very easy to get into this kind of thought process. You feel dizzy one day - maybe it's an ear infection or something, and all of a sudden you focus 100% on the dizziness. Therefore obviously the dizziness will remain or even become worse as you start to worry about it.

Had you simply ignored it, it would have gone away. Of course, once the dizziness persists, other symptoms become apparant, and eventually you have every symptom under the sun.

I've been there. I started with palpitations, heart attack...! I had tension headaches, brain tumour...! I had stomach pains and acid reflux, cancer...! As it happens, I've been suffering for three years now and I'm still here. The only thing which has resulted from this anxiety is that I've spoilt some of the best years of my life from worrying!

The very thing I so desperately want to continue - my life - is being ruined by my thought processes and constant body scanning for symptoms and pains!

There are two things I would recommend. If you to recover, one thing is a MUST DO. The other thing I strongly recommend as a supplement to this.

Firstly, you MUST trust your doctor and accept their diagnosis. Serious problems are easily distinguishable from anxiety symptoms and your doctor would not take any risks. If your doctor says that you are well - accept that diagnosis and be grateful!

The second thing is I would recommend you buy Claire Weekes' book Self Help For Your Nerves. It will explain anxiety and explain that what you are experiencing is a cycle of fear, anxiety and fear which you need to break.

I hope this post doesn't come across as harsh as I understand how you are feeling and I know how it is to be really afraid. I also know that when you are afraid your symptoms do become worse, and I know that on the occasions I have managed to break the cycle, I have felt a lot better, be it for an hour or a day. The more you break the cycle, the better you will feel every day.

Hope this helps :)


18-06-11, 20:36
try not to worry duke ..........the left eye thing sounds like cluster headaches .......the rest are common to anxiety .......take care lovie x

18-06-11, 23:47
Thankyou everyone for your replys! They are really helpful and have helped me realise that im just experiencing symptoms of anxiety.. it probably wont last long, but for now thankyou x

19-06-11, 00:29
I get the stabbing pains above my left eye and I know it's worse when I use the computer a lot :hugs:

25-06-11, 22:43
be strong duke i no its hard but we are all here to surport 1 and other , my biggest problem are chest pains , muscle pains , head aches , palps , feelin sick , crying , feel free comment and i'll keep checkin bk :) hope your ok x