View Full Version : Can't face work anymore

18-06-11, 20:22
Saturday night and I’m worrying again. Just after some advice and I’ll try to be brief. I am signed off with depression, anxiety and stress at the moment and have been for three weeks. On Citralopram and my depression has improved but I can’t stop thinking about work. I work for a local authority and my job has become unbearable I now have twice the responsibilities and managers think everything is the same as it was before 60% were made redundant.
I honestly cannot face going back. I know I have missed things and am not making the expected targets. I have a feeling of dread every time I think about work. I don’t feel supported and cannot really say I have anyone I trust there. I am the new boy still even after 2 years and have never got on with the cliques of long serving staff. I have heard from no one since I was off and wake up at stupid o’clock just thinking of the place. I just want to quit and try something else but am worried about my sick record and how to explain them away without looking like I failed at the job.
Any advice would be really welcome.
Scoob :unsure:

18-06-11, 21:41
Hi Scoob,

Sorry work is making you feel so bad. The two things that come to mind from reading your post is that firstly I reckon the morale and job satisfaction of your colleagues in the LA could well be very low in view of the current economic climate and pressure on peoples roles, which could well account for the fact no-one has made contact since you've been off. They are more than likely so self consumed in their own job dissatisfaction, uncertainty and workload to make the effort, thus I would try not to take this personally if you can.

Secondly, I can't see the point in staying in a job that makes you so unhappy, easier said than done though I know. I think many people have a prolonged length of time off sick for various reason and recovering from an acute episode of emotional illness, but emphasizing you have made a full recovery (ok, I know it often doesn't happen) I can't see why someone should be penalised for this...? x

19-06-11, 03:33
Hi Scoob

I know EXACTLY what you mean. The excessive workload, the cliques, the cutbacks, the target driven management etc etc. There are ways to deal the sickness and reference problems if you have to quit. You could try agency work or voluntary work or could you go back into education? All of this depends on finances etc, but there are other possibilities out there, so don't despair. Try and think about what you would really like to do if you if you were to leave and see what you would need in order to achieve it. You will feel better if you have a plan in mind.

Tyke :shades:

19-06-11, 19:49
Thank you fro the replies I think you both right. I ahve a Gp appointment tommorrow and think counselling might be worth a go. My sector is infamous for stress and I think that I have just become too over loaded. Also it has got to the point where I thought to myself 'can i do ths for another 30 years' the answer is defintely no.
I'm sure my anxieties will come to a head again so will more than likely post again. but thanks for the replies it's good to knwo there are sympathetic people out there.

S :winks:

04-08-11, 20:54
How did you get on with work?
Hope your ok!
You sound exactly how I'm feeling!!!