View Full Version : Citalopram and Exercise

18-06-11, 20:56
I have been on 10mg of Citalopram for just over two weeks and throughout that time have been feeling pretty 'wiped out'.

I'd really like to get back to be able to play football and run/cycle that I normally do a lot of. Do you think I'll ever get my energy and coordination back?

Any advice would be very welcome.

18-06-11, 21:24
Hi Saturn,

You will be able to get back your normal energy.

From my experience I'd just say in the early days of getting used to cit do what your body tells you and if it's tired just go with it and don't push yourself. However, as I'm sure you know, excercise is excellent for de-stressing, so try and build it back into your day as soon as you feel able.

I've been on citalopram a year now and probably feel more energetic than I have in a long time prior to taking it as I suspect the anxiety was eating up all my energy!

Best of luck. x

18-06-11, 21:29
Many thanks - that's very encouraging.

19-06-11, 13:59
I've been feeling pretty tired on 20mg a day. I find I can't run at the moment but I've still able to do some gentle exercise and have managed to get back up to an hour a day from not being able to do anything.

I would perhaps take that route - pretend you are just starting an exercise routine and build it up slowly!

19-06-11, 16:31
Been on citalopram for like 6 years and I still feel the same (mostly) as I did when I started taking it. Tired alot and feel kinda off balance....best just to force yourself out. Once you feel that fresh air you will be ok I know I usually am when I go cycling.

19-06-11, 18:31
I've been on citalopram for about 3 months now and although I feel tired a lot I've kept up my running (about 20 mpw) and cycling (about 60mpw) Its hard sometimes to get out there but motivation follows action so you just need to force yourself out, like Nicky32 said.

19-06-11, 19:58
I exercise in the house as I'm agoraphobic, I'm only on week 3 and have no energy whatsoever, hopefully things will perk up a bit and the cit may be able to help me get out the house :)

19-06-11, 20:16
I was tired and lacked motivation for nearly 4 weeks and now on 6th week of citalopram. Started on 10mg for 2 weeks and this made very little difference. All the horrible side effects and feeling more down, then went onto 20mg and had two weeks of the same. Tried a short run early on but felt wiped out. Admittidley I am not very fit, but decided I would push my self and did a 10 km race today, I finished it and did it in about 55 miniutes. It was the F1 Chicken Run realy good for mingling with people and getting rid of those horrid thoughts. I have not run like this for over 15 years was well chuffed. Stick with it everything does come back eventually.:)

19-06-11, 20:51
Thank you for these really encouraging replies.

What I'm most concerned about is my coordination and balance being badly affected - I think I'll embarass myself if I try to play football at this stage. I'm into week three now - hopefully I'll begin to feel a bit more normal soon.