View Full Version : Emetophobia anyone?

18-06-11, 21:50
I have suffered from this for as far back as I can possibly imagine, I am absolutely petrified, it completely controls my life alongside, fear of food, germs, hygiene, any illness basically.

I have been vegetarian for 18 years, mainly because I'm scared of contamination/food poisoning risk in meat. I do however cook meat for my husband and children almost daily,
I for the first time in 18 years ate a beef stew tonight alongside my husband and daughter, it was no easy task I struggled to eat it but thought it would do me good as I'm currently 20 weeks pregnant.

How can this happen - so 2 hrs after eating it, I'm sitting there reading, trying to take my mind off it when my husband announces he has severe stomach pain and nausea, he asks me "did I think beef tasted ok" I haven't eaten beef in 18 years before tonight?! I've No idea what it's supposed to taste like but I didn't sense or taste spoiling in anyway? So he proceeds to go to bed, I haven't spoken to him or been up in the 7 hrs since he went up - I'm too scared to know if he's actually Ill? Been watching my daughters every move to check she is ok and not complaining of symptoms. I feel Ill all day, everyday so I'm completely panic stricken as to whether this is ' food poisoning' Ill or my usual? I will not sleep a wink, I will needless to say never eat meat again.

Is there anybody out there understand any of this? Or am I just completely crazy as I suspect?! Xxx

18-06-11, 23:04
Hi i totally understand how you are feeling and i think all other emets will to am emetophobic all though i eat meat last night cooked myself a lovely (well done ) steak anyways if you and your daughter are fine then maybe your husbands off tummy isn't anything to do with your beef so please enjoy meat and eat it again sometime as you said your pregnant so will do your baby the world of good.. but i would be like you are bein now but i would be up & down the stairs questioning my bf's every ache/pain etc (don't no why i do this) but even when the children say they feel unwell i question everything about why they feel sickly etc.. you have been fine yourself since you husband went to bed so id defo say its not the food!! your feeling sickly i would say with worry & anxiety i get the same feeling mine is usually just below my ribs down towards my belly button i get a sickly tight knot feeling just the though of me mty catch sick!!