View Full Version : Will I be alright.

24-04-06, 14:02

This week is a scary week for me.
I am havinga cancer prevention medical this week.
I booked this ages ago when my Health anxiety was at its very worse and the reassurance from my GP just wasnt enough.

Anyway it is on Wed morning, I have had to do al sorts of horrible things in prep, like poo samples (sorry:D)
I am very nervous..............what if this proves that all my worries were for a reason, what if it discovers something sinister in my body????
I dont how long it will take for results, I am getting rather scared.

I know I booked this to put my mind at rest, but I dont know if I would ratyer not know......what am i talking about of course I want to know...Oh I dont know.

Also this week is my last councelling session, again on Wed.
I have been feeling loads better but I am nervous about going it alone if you get me!?

Just feel very on the edge today..........
at least it is only a 3.5 day week this week at work.....phew!

Sorry for the long rant.......:)[:P]

Hay x

existential crisis
24-04-06, 14:21

The chances are that there is nothing wrong with you, hun. But you are having the tests when they come back all clear you will be able to start putting it to the back of your mind. Everyone is nervous when they have tests - just incase they do show something wrong. But even if they do (long shot) at least then you know and you can take whatever action is required. And everyone will agree that waiting for results is horrible! As for the counselling - I felt like that when I ended mine. It is scary, but at least its all over and you can start living your life - who wants to be a patient forever? I'd bet my life on it that you'll be OK! Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

24-04-06, 14:23
Thanks claire for the supportive
words....just want this week over and done with already!

Hay x

existential crisis
24-04-06, 14:28
heh heh! I know what you mean about that! Just try and think of them like you're gonna know one way or the other and that means when your faced with the facts there isnt anything to wind yourself up over cuz your gonna know what youre dealing with! Take Care! Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

24-04-06, 15:17
hayles im sure you wanted to do this for a reason, because you were afraid. weigh it up now. would you prefere not to do it, if the answer is yes then dont do it. but if you feel that a positive result will put your mind at ease even further then go ahead with it

im sure yuor docs have told you this is for your own peace of mind, and not because they suspect cancer. your fine hayley, hard to accept i know only too well but your fine

take it easy and try to go with the flow, i am sure your results will be perfect


24-04-06, 15:23
Thanks Jax,

I booked the cancer screen myself.
As my doctor wouldnt refer me!
I know I should just trust my GP, and I havent been to the Docs for ages, but i booked it myself ages ago for further reassurance, I just hope I get that reassurance and not some bad news..........

Hay x

24-04-06, 21:19
but will it really reassure you or will you think that they might have missed something,im not a big believer in carrying out investigations without symptoms in health anxiety as i feel it can sometimes make things worse rather than betterbut everyone is different and if you really think that this will put your fears to bed then go for it but if you are not sure then like was said before, you dont have to go through with it, your gp would refer you for a reason. I dont mean to be negative i just dont want you puting yourself through this for nothing, just make sure its what you really want.

I just want my life back