View Full Version : Going out of my mind and don't know where to turn

18-06-11, 23:48
Hi all I don't post on forums much but I need to tell someone how I am feeling. It all started in 2009 I was sat watching tv and out of the blue my heart started racing and got very dizzy I went to the E.R and the doc said nothing to worrie about... Well I have never been the same man since that day I went to the E.R 15 times in 3 months had lots of ECG blood test and a angiagram (sorry about spelling) all come back clear then all the pains racing heart all stopped for about a year then 2 weeks ago it all started again chest pain,pain in left arm neck and back heart racing and skipping beats. I have been to my doc an E.R and they did ECG and tell me every things fine but I think they are wrong and are missing something The docs says it's panic attacks or anxiety but I don't feel panicy or like I have have anxiety I have the pains all the time so I can't be having a panic attack lasting all day every day can I ??? :weep: I don't know what to do next can anyone relat to the probes I am having

Sorry about the spelling


19-06-11, 00:21
Mark, I ran my own business and the stress caused me to have panic/anxiety attacks. I went into A&E one day as my heart was beating out of my chest. The ECG showed nothing in particular and they asked how I was doing at work/family life etc and I said that work was very stressful.

What you need to do is look honestly at your life, any areas that might be causing underlying problems. You may not realise it on the surface but when you look deep down, there may be a cause to act on. Counselling and CBT, Homeopathy, Meditation and a good diet/exercise can work wonders.

If there really isn't (lucky you!) then maybe another trip to your GP to ask for more tests would help you.

I am sure that there is nothing majorly wrong with your health and I hope that you find some answers. Good luck x