View Full Version : Confused

24-04-06, 15:10
I've had problems with anxiety most of my life, and at 14 I started with panic attacks and I saw a psycologist for 2 and a bit years and I thought I was cured after that. But although the panic attacks had gone, I still had some problems with anxiety and my panic attacks came back when I was 19 while I was in a stressful job.

I am having therapy at the moment and I felt like this time is different. Especially as this time I've been completely open about the bad things that have happened to me, which I think may have something to do with my anxiety problems. Also because I have someone who comes to take me out and I'm on their books to see a psycologist for help and councelling for things which happened in the past.

So I am hopeful that at the end of the councelling and everything, that I'll be better and calm, and I want to be laid back and not be a worrier.

But what has confused me is that some people agree and say I will be calmer and I'll be completely better. Not an anxious person anymore. But I've also been told by different people, some have been therapists, that I'll always be an anxious person and a worrier and that I'll learn to cope with it.

I suppose it's hard to know which it'll be, but I just wondered if there is a chance I won't be an anxious person anymore. I've been anxious for so much of my life, and I was really hoping that once I've had help I could be calm and relaxed and not be like that anymore.

Thank you for reading,


24-04-06, 15:20
i hope that when ever i get rid of this terrible anxiety i will not be an anxious person, so i hope who ever has told you you will always be a worrier is wrong

im sure it can be in your nature to be a certain way, but i really hope it is possible to lead a full life without the worry


24-04-06, 17:02
Hi there,

Sorry to say this but my CBT lady also told me that having CBT or counselling does not change who we are or our personalities it just teaches us to deal with things better. So basicaly she said I'll always be a worrier but I'll learn to deal with it better so that it won't affect my life so much or lead to anxiety/panic. She herself had suffered anxiety in the past but said although she is totally cured, she is still by nature a worrier. Sorry if this is diaspointing to anyone but it is what I was told.


24-04-06, 17:32
Thank you both for your replies.

Jackie - I was hoping so too

Lisa - My occupational therapist recently said something similar to your therapist. She said she gets a bit anxious and worries herself, but she said that's her personality and she thinks i'm the same. She also said that when she gets anxious it doesn't affect her like it does me, she can go to work etc. It does sound like they can only teach you to manage it.

Take Care,


26-04-06, 08:26
Hi heather

hope your ok. i also think that we just learn to cope with it and having anxiety is our personality. You will get there one way or another

speak soon
