View Full Version : My wife

19-06-11, 06:17
Hey all...kinda freaking out.
My wife has a swollen painful lymph node on the back of her neck, and fatigue and a low grade fever. She goes to the doc on Tues, but I am in full panic mode.

I googled for the first time in years, and what a mistake.

She has had a couple tick bites, but still, I cannot help but think the worst. Anyone had this and turn out to be nothing? She is not sick aside from those symptoms.


19-06-11, 06:39
I've found a tick on me a couple of times and my husband's family has to pull one off now and again but nobody has been sick from it yet.

Glad you've got an appointment ready!

Keep an eye on them, I'm fairly sure they should give some indication of infection if it's from the bite. I don't think they all give the typical "bullseye" pattern but it should sure look suspicious if it is from ticks.

I'm sure it's far more likely that she just has an unsavoury mild illness. Maybe caught something at work? Is she stressed out right now? You know the usual, but help keep her comfortable and I hope she gets better soon :)

19-06-11, 12:25
If she has a fever and fatigue is sounds like the cause of the swollen lymph node is just a virus. Try not to worry. x

19-06-11, 15:06
The worst part about it, she isnt really worried. Maybe a little, tiny bit, but you know how we get. hehe

She is very allergic to bug bites of all kinds, so perhaps allergies have caused her to have a swollen gland. I do take some solace in that it is painful, and as I understand it, most cancer related swelling of the lymphnodes are painless.

19-06-11, 16:01
Eeek, don't say that, my swollen lymph node is painless. :P Although it was very painful when it first popped up, and is slowly deflating.
I think it probably is the bug bite causing the lymph node to swell if she usually reacts to them. Try not to worry too much, it will probably go down in time. Give it a few weeks. :)

19-06-11, 16:05
Heh I just reread what I wrote. Of course, I didnt mean that I took solace in her having pain, I just took solace in the fact that supposedly when they are tender they are benign.

I have had swollen glands before, and they never hurt. Oddly, I never freaked out about my own. Its strange what sets off our anxiety and what does not.

Thanks for the reassurance.

19-06-11, 16:37
Hehe, I'm the other way round. I worry so much if it's me with the symptoms, but if anyone else has them I tell them they'll be okay and it's probably nothing. When my lymph node swelled up I thought I was dying, and still do sometimes. Had a bit of a panic episode early today after looking online (my usual mistake), but I've reassured myself again because my lymph node is hardly visible now. :)

20-06-11, 15:01
Well I am sorry if I contributed to any panic you might have had about it. Ironically, I don't get worked up over my own swollen lymph nodes. I have my own sets of "symptoms" which set me off, but I have long been more or less free of them. Strangely, the older I get (I am just 40) the less they bother me, and the more I can put them aside.

When I was 19, I was absolutely *sure* I had a brain tumor, and that was the start of about 12 years of hypochondriacal hysteria for me.

Now, I just tend to worry about others...wife and kids, mom and dad etc. Right now, obviously, the wife.