View Full Version : health anxiety sky high atm

19-06-11, 09:51
ive not posted about myself in a while but for a few days now ive felt so bad ,got the pressure feeling back in chest, heart feels funny im all shaky and anything to do with my chest scares the life out of me, anyone else waking with the pressure feeling its awful and just the heart side
many thanks

19-06-11, 11:28
My heart feels funny too. I can't get it out of my head that my heart is 'weak'. No matter what my HA strays to, it always comes back to my heart. I feel for you. It's horrible :hugs:

19-06-11, 16:18
so sorry you are feeling liked this :hugs:
it is horrible and scary especially when it feels as if it is your heart..then it becomes a viscious circle as you know so well xx

has anything triggered this ? sometimes it just comes out the blue though .

you know and I know it is probably the old demon anxiety just trying to get you back into his grip Amanda :mad:............if it was real heart probs then you would defo know .

See doc anyway to put mind at rest .............somehow that monster anxiety knows how to get us at our vulnerable spots ......scare us ......but we know better now eh? tell it to sod off Amanda .......you are bigger than it and how !
take care :hugs::flowers:

19-06-11, 16:25
Funny how we are so smiliar. I'm the same feel my heart is weak or something and that I will possible have a stroke or something due to blood pressure in the future. Pure madess isnt it but we cant help but think these sort of things.

You are getting worked up by thinking theres something wrong with your chest, try to accept its in your head. Easier said than done though.

19-06-11, 19:33
ty for the replies, im just so fed up of it again all day and night i really feel for anyone else going through this xx