View Full Version : Very stressed week

19-06-11, 15:26
my father in law dies a week ago today very suddenly

We are flying back to the uk tomorrow night for the funeral on tuesday. HAd coped very well to support my husband but since we have booked our flights (i dont like flying) i have had all these symptoms

Extreme Nausea
Feels like someone is punching my upper left arm
Stabbing pains in upper abdomen
Extreme thirst
Fast heart rate
Uncomfortable feeling in middle of chest

Am i right in saying this is stress?

19-06-11, 18:52
any advice or thoughts - will be offline from midday tomorrow please

19-06-11, 19:13
hi :hugs:

sorry to hear this .........the shock and having to make plans to fly for the funeral ..........the sadness ..........and supporting your husband .
a heck of a toll on anyones strength :hugs:
it is anxiety my love .......and very understandable .

do your deep breathing ...........drink plenty fluids ......distract yourself with book ,puzzles on plane .............dont look ahead .........live in the moment and deal with only that. easy to say I know . look after each other xxxxx

19-06-11, 19:30
thanks snowgoose :hugs:

i had just started to get better again last week and this awful news nearly broke us :(

not looking forward to this week - i am now trying to focus on my son visiting us on the 1st july :)

19-06-11, 19:48
know how you feel
had iffy news myself this week . just when you think you have conquered it .
but remember as I am telling myself now [so good at dishing it out me :blush:]
we are stronger than we think ..and will cope because we have done it before and will do again .
have a lovely time with your son :hugs:
mine comes home for the summer on the 2nd July . [will check him over like mother cat and he will hate it ]

hope all goes ok and you are calm and feeling better when you see your lad .x

20-06-11, 14:29
got through last night and managed to sleep

Got awful pains all over my body today, especially stabbing pain in my left shoulder & chin :ohmy:

Hubby now has nausea and tiredness and hes convinced hes going to have a heart attack at the funeral which didnt exactly help my attacks

Also 40 degrees here today so sweating like mad made worse by these attacks

Worrying like mad but you have helped me snowgoose