View Full Version : Argh :(

19-06-11, 16:42
I'm so fed up. I was just sitting here in a cafe feeling relaxed for the first time in weeks when the fire alarm went off and we all had to get out. I stood up too quickly obviously and by the time I got outside I had a massive headrush and pounding in my head. Scared myself stupid :( I don't have low bp, so I don't know why i get headrushes. Now I feel all wound up from the adrenaline and wondering what's the matter with me. Gah! :'(

19-06-11, 16:49
You have answered your own question, you panicked and thats what gives you the head rush as when we panic our BP does go up which is part of the Fight or flight mecanism and perfectly normal.
If you hadnt gone into panic mode it would have gone off in a matter of minutes and you would have been fine.

19-06-11, 17:16
I'm so fed up. I was just sitting here in a cafe feeling relaxed for the first time in weeks when the fire alarm went off and we all had to get out. I stood up too quickly obviously and by the time I got outside I had a massive headrush and pounding in my head. Scared myself stupid :( I don't have low bp, so I don't know why i get headrushes. Now I feel all wound up from the adrenaline and wondering what's the matter with me. Gah! :'(

I know exactly how you feel! you finally feel like your making progress and one little thing happens!! I suffer with the headrushes too, they are getting less and less (i dont have low BP either - if anything its always the higher side of normal) i try not to react to them but its easier said than done sometimes. Hope it passes quickly for you :hugs:


19-06-11, 22:35
Thank you :hugs:
Yes, mine is the high side of normal too. Very strange :shrug:
Feeling a bit better now. Thanks for your replies. x

20-06-11, 01:32
I suffer with the head rushes too. My Bp is the high side of normal to

mandie x