View Full Version : Hot

19-06-11, 17:07
Just some reassuance please my forehead feels like it's burning up it's so hot I feel like I need a fan on i have taken my temp and it is normal 36.7 so why should my head feel like this if I don't have a temp this is what is making me feel off at moment I have taken paracetamol all day today to see if it takes it off is there anyway to take this hot feeling away besides a cool flannel.

Does anyone else get this I can comprehend most feelings but this one I do not get.

19-06-11, 17:13
Hi Steve

I have had this in the past, at the start of my anxiety and PA's the hot feeling is usually what would kick start an atack for me. From all the reading i've done (alot!!!) and posting on here - this a completely normal feeling of anxiety!! About three weeks ago i had the same feeling and it lasted for 3 days - but as soon as i stopped focussing on it so much it gradually went away.....

Hope this reassures you x

19-06-11, 17:26
It just makes things worse temp is now upto 37.1c so you can see the cycle I am getting myself into?

19-06-11, 17:57
I can, i know exactly how you feel...... try and distract yourself a little - the more you focus on it the more you will make yourself panic. I know thats easier said and done when its happening as ive been there, i go for a little walk when it happens to me..... x