View Full Version : Hi new very panicky member here

19-06-11, 17:14
hi my name is Amy im 25 years old and live in shropshire, i had my first panic attack about 6 years ago just after we moved which my doctor put down to stress of moving didnt get them again for a few years but then things started getting worse i started having attacks more frequently and feeling anxious all the time i have never received any help with it as iv always thought i could cope but just lately things have got to a point where i just cant.

i constantly feel scarred particularly of getting ill. I panic when faced with social situations and cant eat in restaurants as i feel like im going to choke i always feel run down and poorly and tired.

i got a new job which actually helped with my anxiety (although the interview was a nightmare) as i was a manager and so busy i didn't have time to panic and it also gave me a sense of achievement as it was quite a good job - then 6 weeks later i was made redundant as they couldn't afford me. since then i dont want to do anything i feel low shaky and very tearful iv had up to 5 panic attacks in one day i sleep loads.and to make things harder i have a very painful tooth infection which im taking amoxicillin and cocodamol for which is making me feel worse or at least i think it is i feel very confused and scared and like i want to run away but with no idea where to....

well thats me in need of major reassurance that im not alone and any tips for coping you may have

Hi again x :unsure:

ps i used to be a relaxed fun loving out going person who was not affraid of anything - i just want that person back

19-06-11, 17:16
Hi nervouswreck123

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-06-11, 17:35
hi amy just to let you know i have just joined here and read the long article about what panick is and how it can be triggered that calmed me down alot, as i read it i was having a bad day with the anxiety, went out last night to a concert over indulged and am now paying for my crazy venture, i truly understand what you are going through as i am there myself, and my heart goes out to you

19-06-11, 17:55
aw thanks so much for replying i really do feel like im at my wits end im getting married in a year so i feel like i should be enjoying my life but i just feel stuck in a hole. il read the info you suggested

thanks hun x x

Deepest Blue
19-06-11, 18:51
Hi Amy,

Welcome to the forum :hugs:

I think because you have so much going on at the moment and maybe not dealing or resolving any of them to the point when you feel in control of them, your mind it's starting to overwhelm you with only the negative outcomes which would seem very bleak. Maybe try dealing with each one at a time as it's impossible taking everything on at the same time.

Hopefully your partner is helping you get through this too.

Are you taking anything for your Anxiety? Hopefully the infection will pass soon as that can definately make you feel terrible ontop of everything else.

Please take care of yourself. x

19-06-11, 19:44
thank you so much for your kinda response, my partner is very supportive to the point where i sometimes only feel safe around him as no one else knows how bad my anxiety is and i often feel worse trying to hide it. im scarred that il drive him away as there have been times when he has had to cancel plans due to not being able to leave me, i hate being a burden.
not taking anything for anxiety as of yet as i also have issues with medication my body seems very sensitive to drugs or my brain is lol. but am going to see
my doctor about being referred to a therapist or councillor .

i am trying to cope with things one at a time but at the moment all i can think is my god my tooth is killing me literally to the point where i think the infection has spread to my bone jaw face brain you name it it think (i ignored it for 3 weeks due to being prettified of dentist) i just cant seem to get my head straight about anything x

sorry for long response got about 2 years of botterling things up coming out lol