View Full Version : Does this sound like anxiety?? Getting enough oxygen and pains, nausea?

19-06-11, 17:30
Breathing that feels kind of slow and and like you may not be getting enough oxygen, also random pains/aches now and then in left arm, right arm, head and occasional face, also my leg felt really weird before like it was going numb but then I walked about and it went off. I'm also getting a nautious feeling in my belly every so often and generally feel not too well and like I can't do much today/last few days.

All sound like it could be anxiety? I had a very bad bout of anxiety last year and was in bed for most of a couple weeks, then I began picking up and began citalopram 20mg, I've not been that bad since, but does this all sound like anxiety?

19-06-11, 17:59
this all sounds like just anxiety all the symptoms are the same as what i have am also on citalopram 30mg just wish i was back to my normal self again x