View Full Version : Panic Attacks

24-04-06, 18:42
Im 46 and going through the menopause and on HRT. Hadnt had a panic attack for 22 years but theyve started again - mainly in queues in shops and theatres and cinemas where I feel hot and dizzy and hyperventilate and am very frightened. Any herbal products that might help or anything else I can do and is this normal for menopause??

24-04-06, 19:39
Hi Wendy, sorry you feel so bad. look on the internet for menopause info, my attacks have been so bad since i started early menopause. you can get over the counter oestrogen replacements that are herbal and drink camomile tea it helps me, dont have any caffiene. i am a paramedic of 10 yrs so i researched all this info, and it is related. be strong, we're all here for you. JO

25-04-06, 10:28
Hi Wendy and welcome to the site, Yes this proberly did trigger it off again, I had drank heavy and daily for about 40 years and stopped 2 and a 1/2 years ago. I was ok when I first stopped then a few weeks after I stopped the anxiety returned big time, I was pretty bad for a long time but am much better now without the drink. So it’s not the menopause, but it acts in the same way has it’s a big chemical change in the body? Hope you feel better soon. Vernon