View Full Version : Scared of germs..

19-06-11, 19:20
This is going to sound so stupid, but i was in the back of the car with the window open driving along, and someone through a piece of chewing gum out and it landed in my hair, i got in a huge panic and was covered in sticky chewing gum, i was crying and was in a hell of a state. When i got home i washed my hands about 10 times over and over again with washing up liquid, and have got it out my hair, im really scared am i covered in germs? is my hair covered in germs? :'(

19-06-11, 20:35
No! I'm sure you're not. People kiss, and don't get ill from it, the chances are that person was in fine health (if they were out and about) and the fact it landed in your hair and not your mouth -AND you washed your hands very well means there's no way you caught any possible germs. You'll be fine. Though people should not throw chewing gum like that!!