View Full Version : :(

20-06-11, 14:06
im so fed up of everything.
i dont even want to be here anymore, it seems such a pointless waste me being here.
everyone is always moaning at me telling me what im doing wrong i dont actaully think i can do anything right.
the only thing i want to do is drink, it numbs everything and makes it go away for just a little while.
i just feel so pointless.
i want to feel like me again :'(

20-06-11, 16:28
I have felt the same this weekend really down I find that if i depress myself to the point of not caring about myself I don't get the anxiety. It is terrible, stuck between the devil and the deep! had a double brandy and 4 cans to relieve the anxiety Saturday it's so bad I am seeing the doctor again in 2 weeks made an appointment. the weekends seem real bad.
Try to put Yourself in the 'it will get better soon mindset' It is so hard Sometimes I just want to cry. One thing that gives me strength is knowing that there are other people like us on here.

We will beat this