View Full Version : Work progress

24-04-06, 20:24

Wanted to share the step I have made today regarding my Job

I have been off work due to my anxiety for approx 14 Weeks now and have been extremly scared to break my safety cycle (basically of sitting with either my mother or computer) and having little in terms of a social or infact any kind of life.

Well today I took what is to me a huge step and went in for a meeting with them Today, I have agreed to see a work assigned doctor to access my situation and with the support I am going to give me job a try a week on Thursday.

I am very scared but have got to break this cycle I am in an try and bring some normality back to my life - my boss in not very supportive so have involved my HR rep and I am going to do this!
Wendy x

24-04-06, 20:28
hi wendy, good luck with this, im sure you'll get it sorted out, tc .. andrew

24-04-06, 20:32
Good for you!!

Good luck with it all.

Tammy x

24-04-06, 21:13
Good luck with this Wendy and well done for tking such a positive steo.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

24-04-06, 21:53
Wow girl you are flying ..im so pleased for you..what huge steps you are making, and how brave you have become. i know you are going to do this girl and have every faith in you.
You are right to try and get some normality in your life, you have made the best choice, it will take the focus of yourself..


love ashley x

25-04-06, 12:07
Thanks all for you supportive replies

I am very, very nervous and am still suffering with this anxiety thing in a big way but thanks to my friends here I am starting (very slowly) to understand my symptoms and try and convince myself this is anxiety I am suffering from

Again thank you, will keep you updated on the work situation

Wendy xx

26-04-06, 11:43
Hi Wendy

Just caught up with your post.

Good Luck with work hun we are all here for you.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

26-04-06, 19:12
Many Thanks Alex :D:D

26-04-06, 21:26

Great going. Sounds like you are facing your fears head on. I agree that you might be happier getting out more. Well done.


27-04-06, 07:04
Thanks Bel [8D]