View Full Version : Breathlessness and shaky legs on walking? plus feeling like want to cough..

20-06-11, 16:26
I'm sorry I keep posting about this -it's just horrible -and you know when you can't remember quite how your breathlessness felt last time??

I went to the practice nurse today (no docs available) as breathlessness has really been troubling me last few days.. she just checked my temp and listened to my breathing and said my temp was slightly raised so I prob have a virus. I said I was a bit worried about my heart and she checked me pulse and said it was fine.

Anyway this afternoon I've been resting but when I've just been walking around the house just now I've felt more breathless and also been getting shaky legs sometimes when I start walkig about. I also realise I am panicking about it as I am getting sensitive to loud or sudden noises.

I've also been getting nights sweats last coule of nights and feeling horrible when I wake up.

Any reassurance on this?

20-06-11, 17:09
I'm sorry I keep posting about this -it's just horrible -and you know when you can't remember quite how your breathlessness felt last time??

I went to the practice nurse today (no docs available) as breathlessness has really been troubling me last few days.. she just checked my temp and listened to my breathing and said my temp was slightly raised so I prob have a virus. I said I was a bit worried about my heart and she checked me pulse and said it was fine.

Anyway this afternoon I've been resting but when I've just been walking around the house just now I've felt more breathless and also been getting shaky legs sometimes when I start walkig about. I also realise I am panicking about it as I am getting sensitive to loud or sudden noises.

I've also been getting nights sweats last coule of nights and feeling horrible when I wake up.

Any reassurance on this?
I had the same thing with the breathing meditation will help i still get anxiety but if you lay or sit and think about about your breathing and nothing else it will get better there is loads of videos on youtube you can use helped me allot i still hyperventilate (think im suffercating) in times of hight anxiety but i can manage it now i only get light headed

22-06-11, 12:54
It can also happen when the blood pressure drops in your body. When I get a panic attack, it hits, my legs give way, like I am about to collapse and head goes light, this is the blood pressure. My cousin got it all the time when she was diabetic. That's why you might go pale and then start to shake and then breathing get's very tight. I usually sit down, drink a glass of water and once the shaking subsides eat something with sugar to replace the sugars in your blood, then you should start to feel better. Also, with the breathlessness, I always found when I got that, I would go for a run to release the nervous energies in the body, because that's what it all is, nervous energies all piled up in the body, that's why exercise is really good for this sort of thing and releases seratonin (the happy vibes into the brain).
If you can't go for a run, take a deep breath then blow it out forcefully, not a sigh, but really blow it out and imagine that you are blowing out all the bad stuff.
Hope this helps. xx