View Full Version : Blood and mucus in stools

20-06-11, 17:37
Just wondered if anyone has had any similar symptoms.

Im 28, eat healthly, dont smoke, dont drink alot either.

For the last 4/5 weeks I have noticed blood in the toilet bowl after having a bowel movement. I also pass alot of mucus with each bm, and sometimes feel the need to go, but after passing wind, sometimes with mucus, the feeling of needing to go, goes away.
<My bowel movements also slightly increased to 2/3 a day, rather than my norm of 1 a day.
Sorry to go into detail with this, but better say what is actually wrong.

I have been v.anxious about this and the internet is full of gloomy outlooks when you type in blood and mucus.

I have been to see a consultant today, who examined me and said he could see blood, but has booked me in for a sigmoidoscopy to look into it.

The procedure is not worrying me itself, but the prospect of what they could find is sending my stress levels north.
Another weired symptom i have noticed is the appearance of tiny little black flecks in the stool. ???!!!!!!

I have no pain with bms, and apart from a few niggles, no pain in abdomen either.
The bms itself start off to be loose(diarrhea like) only a very small amount, then a normal ish stool follows.

Has anyone had any similar symptoms, experiences??
would be good to speak with someone,

23-06-11, 13:42

I'm 29 and have been having a very similar sort of thing for the past 3 or 4 weeks. I find I've been going to the loo more often but with no pain accompanying it either and I have quite a lot of blood most times I go, if not every time!

I went to the doctor last week who had a look and said she couldn't see/feel anything but that it sounded like internal piles..... I was prescribed suppositries and told to go back if it hasn't cleared up after a week. I think I'm going to have to go back....

Sorry not to be much help but just thought I'd share it with you so you know you're not alone! It's good that they are sending you for the sigmoidoscopy too.

I hope you find out what it is soon and get better ASAP!

23-06-11, 20:29
Could be colitis or internal piles. Unlikely to be anything life threatening at your age.

23-06-11, 20:53
Thankyou both for the replys. The doctor initially said it could be a number of things, including proctitis, and haemorroids as the most likely culprits. But also a mention for ulcerative colitis, crohns disease and bowel cancer, but he did add that the latter 3 were unlikely. Mainly due to my age.

Emmax, your symptoms sound very similar to mine, although mine are accompanied with mucus, and a bit of extra gas. (gross I know). To be honest, the doctor said exactly the same to me after my initial visit, 'if it has not cleared in a week, come back and see me', I waited 2 days. it was playing on my mind so much I couldnt wait a week and went back. Then he refered me to the hospital. And this will hopefully diagnose the problem a.s.a.p. I hope you get back to normal soon too, and let me know how things go.

The only thing is I personally know someone who was diagnosed with bowel cancer aged 26, although she did not have any of the symptoms I have shown. She is however recovering well and after surgery and chemo, is on the road to recovery and has bean clear for a year.

I do find it good on sites like this one, to talk to people and share experiences of difficult situations. And think it helps in understanding that lots of people go through similar experiences.

28-06-11, 20:01
Hi, just thought I would give a little update.

Still waiting on my Hospital appointment, no sign of even a confirmation letter yet.

I am still getting very similar symptoms as before and just thought Id add that for the past 2/3 weeks Ive been watching my diet. Avoiding dairy products,(except butter), and limiting alcohol, avoiding foods that can make wind worse(beans,cabbage,cauliflour). Basically to see if the symptoms improved.

They do in stages, one day I could go to toilet once, but the next 3 times. I was lucky enough to go to Wimbledon yesterday for the tennis, and didnt feel any urgency all day, just alot of gas.

My question is surley haemorroids would not produce excess gas, especially when Im avoiding the normal culprits?????

28-06-11, 22:24
Just wondered if anyone has had any similar symptoms.

Im 28, eat healthly, dont smoke, dont drink alot either.

For the last 4/5 weeks I have noticed blood in the toilet bowl after having a bowel movement. I also pass alot of mucus with each bm, and sometimes feel the need to go, but after passing wind, sometimes with mucus, the feeling of needing to go, goes away.
<My bowel movements also slightly increased to 2/3 a day, rather than my norm of 1 a day.
Sorry to go into detail with this, but better say what is actually wrong.

I have been v.anxious about this and the internet is full of gloomy outlooks when you type in blood and mucus.

I have been to see a consultant today, who examined me and said he could see blood, but has booked me in for a sigmoidoscopy to look into it.

The procedure is not worrying me itself, but the prospect of what they could find is sending my stress levels north.
Another weired symptom i have noticed is the appearance of tiny little black flecks in the stool. ???!!!!!!

I have no pain with bms, and apart from a few niggles, no pain in abdomen either.
The bms itself start off to be loose(diarrhea like) only a very small amount, then a normal ish stool follows.

Has anyone had any similar symptoms, experiences??
would be good to speak with someone,

I rarely pass a turd that's normal. Usually looks liek thick gravy lol. When it's a solid one I like jump for joy. I've been like this for years.

No blood in mine as far as I know but is the blood clearly visable for you? like if i cut my finger sort of blood?

Also I got tons of gas LOL....maybe IBS I dunno.

28-06-11, 22:35
Hi Rich101,

From a health professional point of view we always recommend that you seek advice from your GP for any abnormal bowel movements. As suggested it could be something as simple as internal piles or maybe the start of IBS as the passing of mucus is common with that.

If in doubt ALWAYS see your GP, NEVER feel like you are wasting your time; it's their job!

28-06-11, 22:37
Oh yeah.majority off the time its fresh blood,snd it literally drips into the toilet bowel after ive finished.and there is always mucus/slime there.seriously gross.

Just hoping to get it sorted asap as its constantly
on my mind.

Have you not been to the docs?

28-06-11, 22:53
I have done disco,seen a consultant who is organising a sigmoidoscopy.
I know its not good to self diagnose,but nhs seem to take forever with it.

It has now been around 5 weeks since my initial visit to my g.p.

So it is getting to me now.have been told its likely to be.haemorroids,but with all my symptoms it seems unlikely to me,unless its that with ibs,producing many symptoms.

23-05-13, 04:56
Im a 25yr old female. I woke up this mornibg of a sudden urge to go to the bathroom. On my way to the bathroom I felt that something came out so I thought that I pooped on myself. When Im at the bathroom I saw on my underwear that there is this whitish sticky clear substance with blood that came out. This is my first time to experience this. Furthermore, my I have an irregular bowel movement for years. I bm once a week even once in every two weeks. I am alarned that I may have colon cancer or something.

23-05-13, 07:24
I would call the NHS Direct helpline on 111.

09-09-13, 15:19
Hi rich101, pls can u tell me ur position regarding the post? Because I too am going through similar situation. Pls reply soon

TE=Rich101;843422]Just wondered if anyone has had any similar symptoms.

Im 28, eat healthly, dont smoke, dont drink alot either.

For the last 4/5 weeks I have noticed blood in the toilet bowl after having a bowel movement. I also pass alot of mucus with each bm, and sometimes feel the need to go, but after passing wind, sometimes with mucus, the feeling of needing to go, goes away.
<My bowel movements also slightly increased to 2/3 a day, rather than my norm of 1 a day.
Sorry to go into detail with this, but better say what is actually wrong.

I have been v.anxious about this and the internet is full of gloomy outlooks when you type in blood and mucus.

I have been to see a consultant today, who examined me and said he could see blood, but has booked me in for a sigmoidoscopy to look into it.

The procedure is not worrying me itself, but the prospect of what they could find is sending my stress levels north.
Another weired symptom i have noticed is the appearance of tiny little black flecks in the stool. ???!!!!!!

I have no pain with bms, and apart from a few niggles, no pain in abdomen either.
The bms itself start off to be loose(diarrhea like) only a very small amount, then a normal ish stool follows.

Has anyone had any similar symptoms, experiences??
would be good to speak with someone,[/QUOTE]

09-09-13, 20:54
hi sandy111 if you look at richlol statistics and other post rich101 was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis i hope this helps x

13-02-16, 09:52
Hi i am new to these forums , but i feel that i could add some value , as i can share a few life experiences / concerns regarding illness etc .
i do feel that what is described , by most on here to do with bowel movements may be down to IBS irretable bowel syndrome .
Throughout my life and work i have suffered through different periods of stress/anxiety , which deffinately makes the symptoms of ibs worse !
it is unlikely at a young age to be anything more synister , however all the nesacary checks are a good idea .
IBS can be brought on through a number of reasons stress as mentioned and or also diet , dairy products etc please note personally ive noticed a lot of oily fish products tend to help. one minute you can be constipated and then pass runny mucus , stools with traces of blood sometimes and not others.
There is no hapy medium . A product to help with this is buscopan can be obtained off the shelf at most good chemists and really does help , taking this would certainly eliminate whether r not it is this as you can feel the benefits after 1 hr approx , ok ill sign ut for now hope this helps !!!