View Full Version : Anxiety Symtom or I'm going insane?

20-06-11, 17:56
Would like to ask you guys so I can keep having faith that this is anxiety and I will be fine sooner or later. Apart from the wired thoughts like how I done that, how my mind told me to move the glass there, am I insane, do I look normal and so on, the newish symptom (I hope it's a symptom of anxiety) is some wired feeling like I'm lost hole the time, I sometimes even do stuff without thinking for ex. last night I was heading out when I had high panic about what is going on in my mind and I was like not thinking just doing stuff, turning the lights off in order to head out I forgot which light trigger should I click on or off, then I clicked the wrong one and stuff, was in high panic, headed out was even hard to concentrate to talk with my friends then I got a little bit relaxed and I got back to normal me. I have uncle that is not mentally healthy (don't know what is his condition my parents never told me) so I'm really scared that I become something like that, what are the stages to become mentally unstable, do you become at once coz I feel like I'm on a first stage losing touch with rationally thinking. Don't know how to explain it better, I sometimes look on some stuff differently than before anxiety, I still could not process the thing that my grandfather pass away 10 days ago. I wasn't close to him but I don't break down and cry was only a little bit sad nothing more... The main thing is I feel like my mind is never relaxed like always subconsciously or consciously thinking about anxiety, it feels like I can't do stuff with 100% concentrating on that, always thoughts that I'm not OK are there, I don't think of going mad or having anxiety only for 30 minutes if I'm really good distracted. Don't know what is going on with me but I need help from you guys...

P.S. I'm not visiting any therapy right now and I don't take any medication. Was on Xanax like 2 months ago.

Please drop some knowledge.

Take care,


20-06-11, 20:40
anxiety - go visit your doctor

21-06-11, 00:31
Hi Baster

Agree with Trickyricky. Definitely anxiety. You could probably benefit from medication and counselling. Have you ever had SSRIs suggested to you? They are an anti-depressant which you take daily. They can help reduce anxiety, obsessive thinking and improve concentration.


21-06-11, 13:27
Actually I think I got it what is going on in my mind, from the constant thinking about my mental health I somehow got to a stage when I do something, any kind of everyday activity, like moving getting a drink out of a fridge, I automatically think of the following did I do this right like a sane person, how I did it and stuff like that, but in a couple of seconds I don't know how to explain it better. These thoughts were so intense the past two days that I felt totally lost and that lost feeling I can describe like when you are watching some interesting movie and your mum says: You want to eat? And you are like "NO I don't" even though maybe you want to eat but all of your attention is turned to the movie so you answer the question mechanical without even thinking. That's my lost feeling, I got so much overwhelmed with this kind of thoughts last night that I didn't know what I'm doing, was walking around the house trying to get that feeling away somehow. What do you think guys, my mind is playing tricks on me? Will a person be able to know if they are turning insane or mentally sick? Anyway I got one more state of mind, it's like I'm living at the moment, don't think about anything else for the future even for near future and I don't find any enjoyment plus I'm a little bit anxious what I will do later coz there is not interesting stuff for me to do...

Again, anxiety or not?

Thanks guys, looking forward for your reply.

22-06-11, 13:12
Actually I think I got it what is going on in my mind, from the constant thinking about my mental health I somehow got to a stage when I do something, any kind of everyday activity, like moving getting a drink out of a fridge, I automatically think of the following did I do this right like a sane person, how I did it and stuff like that, but in a couple of seconds I don't know how to explain it better. These thoughts were so intense the past two days that I felt totally lost and that lost feeling I can describe like when you are watching some interesting movie and your mum says: You want to eat? And you are like "NO I don't" even though maybe you want to eat but all of your attention is turned to the movie so you answer the question mechanical without even thinking. That's my lost feeling, I got so much overwhelmed with this kind of thoughts last night that I didn't know what I'm doing, was walking around the house trying to get that feeling away somehow. What do you think guys, my mind is playing tricks on me? Will a person be able to know if they are turning insane or mentally sick? Anyway I got one more state of mind, it's like I'm living at the moment, don't think about anything else for the future even for near future and I don't find any enjoyment plus I'm a little bit anxious what I will do later coz there is not interesting stuff for me to do...

Again, anxiety or not?

Thanks guys, looking forward for your reply.


Bumping the thread, really need some answers. I have obsessive thoughts questioning myself if I'm doing the stuff like normal person, Is this caused by anxiety? I also feel like my mind is blank and I'm automatically having normal conversation with someone without thinking although I must be thinking... I feel wired this obsessive thoughts about how I'm doing stuff are always here and it's like they are part of me, I'm thinking about it in every single second, I feel like I'm on a first stage becoming crazy coz my mind is blank can't think of anything or concentrate on one thing. Also my mind is set to understand and catch negative things, I can't even think of anything else that is positive or normal.

Looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible.


23-06-11, 01:21
This still sounds like anxiety. You seem to have an obsessive fear about becoming seriously mentally ill. Anxiety doesn't lead to insanity. You just need to treat the anxiety. I had poor concentration, obsessive thoughts and no interest in anything other than my symptoms when I was at my worst. Medication got me out of that one.
