View Full Version : Feeling better - scared

obsessive b
20-06-11, 18:26

This is really random but does anyone else get abit scared when their feelig better. I have had loads of enery the last 2 days and I think becus it's been so long since I felt that it scares me. I then start panicking that the tabs are going to send me crazy lol.


20-06-11, 18:46
I know what you mean. Sometimes it's easy to 'pull the duvet over your head' and blame it all on your illness - and the thought of getting back involved in 'real life' can be scary.
But on balance, I'd love to be feeling the way you say you are now! Enjoy that energy and plunge on - the alternative is definitely worse!

Good luck!

obsessive b
20-06-11, 19:20
Thansk Saturn - I have just read your thread about looking pale ad yes that happened to me a few times and there's nothing worse than when people draw it to your attention. Probs becus we have been through so much recantly it takes it's out on you physically as well. It will subside. I am on week 3 started on 10mg been up to 20mg for about 10 days - has your doc told you to increase yours. When I did felt the side effects for about 3-4 days then it did subside thank god. Bearing in mind I swicthed straight over from Seroxat to Citalopam yuk!


20-06-11, 19:41
I feel the same everytime i recover thanks to the citalopram:)It's hard to explain but it's perfectly normal, especially when you haven't had been well for long time. The moment you feel OK it scares you a bit, but then you are happy again to be in "normal" condition

21-06-11, 12:43
Ha, I was just thinking this this morning!

The idea of getting well again scares me too, yes.

obsessive b
21-06-11, 17:37
It's crazy I should be happy really - does anyone else get nervous energy sometimes?

21-06-11, 20:20
I think most of us do, I was full of nervous energy today lol, my wee girls off on a school trip for a few days and I've been really anxious about it all day :( on the plus side I've cleaned my house from top to bottom :)

23-06-11, 09:13
I get scared all the time because I'm getting better. I don't even like to say it or write it down in case I tempt fate and everything goes pear shaped again!! I guess when you're at your lowest point, there's no further left to fall, but when you're up again, things can get a lot worse! Sometimes when I have a really happy day, I start worrying that maybe I've got the beginnings of mania or something, which clearly I haven't lol. I don't think I'll ever stop worrying! :roflmao: