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24-04-06, 20:43
hi, can panic attacks appear from nowhere or does there have to be a trigger?
i was speaking to someone who said there simply wasnt a reason for the start of her attacks...is that possible? and if so does anyone know why someone can suddenly get them? i heard once that it may be genetic...does anyone here actually know?
em xx

24-04-06, 22:39
Hi Sassy, I am not sure If anyone has the full answer to this condition. When I look back hard at my childhood I remember I was a nervous child, but didn’t think nothing of this as I did seem to have quite a normal childhood, Or did I! Who knows because we only know what our self feels like so how we could possibly compare with others. I think I started noticing when I was around 16, I was scared when going out places alone, but still didn’t let it worry me to much I just took to drink to calm my nerves. Anyway it was a couple of years after that I actually had a bad panic attack, I was too scared to move or go out. I remember I had an optician appointment and was so scared I didn’t go. I was at my parent’s house and a couple of friends where with me but it ended I didn’t go out. I didn’t know what happened, never heard of PA at that time and don’t think nothing triggered it. A couple of years later I ended up with a real bad PA and ended up in A and E, they kept me in a couple of days but found nothing wrong and referred me to a psychiatrist. My mother has said she had anxiety, agoraphobia and panic attacks at different times during her life so maybe it is genetic. I did drink heavy and daily for about 40 years, this was the only thing that seemed to relax me, but in the end it made my liver bad and only caused more problems. I stopped drinking 2 and half years ago, read a few good books and now seem much better than I have for years. So with me anyway I don’t think anything triggers it, it must be that we are just over sensitive people. Take care. Vernon

25-04-06, 07:28
I think its genetic,

I have it, my nan had it , my sister has it, my aunt has it, 2 of my cousins have it.

I just wish i lived near someone who has it, all my family are 200 miles away.


25-04-06, 08:45
Hi Sassy
I think it might be genetic. My mother was a very nervy person who suffered with anxiety - I too have panic attacks though they stopped for 22 years and have now started again as I am going through an early menopause. it is scary but the main thing is IT CANT HURT YOU - just try and ride through any panic like surfing on a beautiful beach - go with the panic and try to breathe from your abdomen. I try this and sometimes it works and other times I end up tearful but the main thing is - you CAN come through this - Wenjoy

25-04-06, 09:27
In my case it isn't genetic. No-one else in my family has ever suffered anything like this.

25-04-06, 12:06
thanks everyone for your opinions on this. i know my parents passed their insecurities down to me thru the way i was treated as a child and what i saw growing up..my sister has also suffered attacks thru her life tho she handles them wonderfully and is able to lead a full happy active life.
maybe im wrong but im almost sure a panic attack can come from absolutley nowhere. it doesnt have to be a product of stress or any upset, but once you've had one..they are a bugger to shake off lol.
em xx

25-04-06, 16:40
Hi Sassy
I know what a bugger pa's are. I have just come in from work having had one towards the end of my shift. I didnt run away but had to leave the shop floor where i work and seek fresh air outside as I felt trapped. Now I am at home I feel very tearful and upset but thinking about it - its only about 10% of my life thats ruined by these attacks so 90% is good but its still b****y hard! x Wenjoy

25-04-06, 21:20
Yes panic attacks can appear from no where, that was how mine started off. Yet on the other hand they are sort of triggered off by somethine (like going to work, going on a bus etc). What I did I wrote down where and when I had my panic attacks then if there was a pattern I would use that to find out why I got them (my results were frustration, stress and school).

I have heard too that they can be genetic, it wouldn't suprise me if I got it from my Mum because she suffers alot of stress.

Hope you find the answer to your question :)

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