View Full Version : is it normal

20-06-11, 22:42
is it normal for my heart rate to beat 100 to 120 or above all the time i have had an ecg and its clear will this damage my heart

20-06-11, 22:48
If you are anxious all the time your heart rate will be a little higher than normal, you will not damage your heart at that rate, a friend of mine who is a keep fit fanatic has just been told that his heart rate is 240 and it gets to that rate without much effort he is 65 though and needs to have treatment to bring it down, and he has led an active life says alot for the rest of us.

20-06-11, 22:49
No it won't but if it's a bit lower it won't hurt either the more you check the faster it gets. Try to relax if you can. I know how you feel with pulse rates!

20-06-11, 22:56
yea thanks had panic attacks continuously for the previous 3 weeks every day was my daughters birthday yestaday went to alton towers shes 6 the ironic thinkg is the only day i have not had these attacks was yestaday at a packed alton towers and me driving to ive also been given 2 weeks annual leave off work cus i couldnt cope i nearly crashed the van im a driver and postman for royal mail thanks for your support

20-06-11, 23:16
That's because you probably had a lot of distractions yesterday which kept panic at bay. If I have a good day then they are reduced to nothing but in a day with time to think or stress it is terrible.

all the best:)

20-06-11, 23:24
yes im averaging 6 to 7 a day before yestaday heart rates gona kill me blood pressure gona kill me shock gona kill me well im still here arnt we thanks for support but as u will know it feels so real and sometimes even distractions have no impact but we still here and no heart attack after all hearts desisgned to go really fast

20-06-11, 23:30
yeah i know when you're in the grip of it you cant focus, it's true. if only we could be panic free.....