View Full Version : What is this electrical feeling?

21-06-11, 02:15
Lately I have had a sensation of electricity running through my lower back and down my left leg...For lack of a better explination it feels like water running through a water hose. If I google all I get is sciatica or pinched nerves but the descriptions given doesnt really sounld like what I have . Minedoesnt involve any or much pain perse but sometimes I get a little pain in my groin area while experiecing this but mostly just the feeling of water going through a hose....very freaky... I started worrying if this is maybe an artery im feeling and not a nerve but I dont really get any numbness or tingling I just get this crazy feeling. Now I do experience a little pain in my tailbone and thats about it.

Im really worried because I cant find anything on what I am experiencing,however I am worried a bit about having P.A D. . I get cramping in my hip when walking a long time but I dont have the other symptoms. My wife says she thinksits all arthritis but im scared. Anybody ever feel weird things like this?

21-06-11, 08:41
Nobody gets this?

21-06-11, 23:57
Anybody ????? at all?

22-06-11, 02:07
I get a cold water running down my scalp sensation,

22-06-11, 06:05
Thanks Mishel...seems you always try to rescue me.... thanks sweetie..,,I appreciate you so very much!

paula lynne
22-06-11, 09:55
The electrical feeling running down your leg could be sciatica.....the nerves are compressed by the spinal column and an electrical shooting type pain is felt. It could be sciatica as youve mentioned hip pain as well, its painful, (I used to get it when I was nursing because I was on my feet all day). Take it easy, try some anti-inflamms, and if it persists, ask your doctor what they recommend. Best wishes, Paula x

23-06-11, 10:57
Get this checked out it sounds like what i had 4 years ago and turned out to be a herniated disk and will get worse and worse until like me you end up spending about 3 thousand euros on an opp-oration which got rid of that pain but now i have back pain most of the time.
Go see someone soon.

24-06-11, 06:12
Was yours off and on, here some days and not somedays?

24-06-11, 08:01
I have sciatica. It tends to be more painful. However, through my struggles I have been educated about the incredible neurological symptoms of anxiety. I get that feeling in my left arm often. Panic will only agitate it. Often those of us with anxiety get mixed nerve signals that are totally benign. Unless you have other symptoms of concern (pain, knots, swelling, bruising, heat) this should be of little concern. Do some stretches for your quad and lower back and it very well could improve.

I failed to mention it in my intro, but I'm a nursing student. It has helped and harmed my anxiety. Lol.

24-06-11, 19:55
Thank you I will try that.Its funny I never thought about it being anxiety.