View Full Version : Please help.... INSANE CRUSH

Piscian Daydreamer
24-04-06, 23:33

You lot have probably been here a million times when you were younger, so please, just give me some advice...

I'm 20, male, and have an insane crush on this girl on my course, called Emma. I've known her for about 5 months and talk a few words when we see each other, mainly on thursdays. I'm really attracted to her, her personality is everything i look for in a girl... she has that posh brummie thing going on... i can't explain it, i just have a mad crush on her basically...
I don't think she knows, she doesnt know me that well... im totally unsure of whether she likes me or not.

The thing is, i can;t stop thinking about her, she is my dream, almost like its all i live for now, although i am by no means a stalker or anything haha.
The problem is i don't see her that often, about twice a week. Ive promised myself that during this last term (9 weeks) i will definitely try it on when the time is right,,, i just wanna get to know her better, and find out if she at all likes me.... i just dont know.

I almost want to get rejected right now so i can get on with my life, because whilst i have hope in my mind, she is very much alive.... but i cant make a move like this....

Its driving me crazy,,, she is my dream....

The whole situation is giving me real anxiety.......

How can i handle this madness?

existential crisis
24-04-06, 23:53
When you do see her, and your chatting, ask for her phone number! Simple! My advice might be crap but I had to post because you obviously have taste if you have a crush on a Brummie girl - trust me, we're the best. :D Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

25-04-06, 09:46
very biased existential crisis.lol

im sure shes lovely why not just get it out of the way, just tell her how you feel, either way then youll know and the torture will be over .

i know it is sooo hard but we women love honesty, even if shes unsure, your subtle approach to her may give her food for thought

hope this helps/ women love to feel liked especially from afar, so either way she will be flattered, be brave


25-04-06, 10:34
Let your self enjoy liking her as long as you dont cross that line from mental obsessing to stalking and ity sound like you have no intension to do so let your self have the obsession. That may sound strange but I had a obsession with friends for years and I did alot of fighting me my self over the obsession and beleave ME it did me no good at all. I recently read that fighting an obsession can be the worst thing you eva do it deapens the obsession cause your paying to much attenstion to it. I know all about that lol. I have only just accepted my obsession with my friend and The strange thing is when she showed up at my house to get her computer from my partner who was fixing it I had no real obsessive thinking issues about her what so eva. Yet a week before the mear mention of her name by my partner sent me freaking out and running to showing covering my ear's basicly feeling like I wanted to SING "LALALALALALALALAL"as loude as can be lol. I hate that when I hear a new thing about her my head go crazy with thought's. I now know have OCD for sure and that why I have Obsessive thinking as bad as I do. Please dont let your self fight this obsession you thin k you have over this girl let it come and dont fight it and it sould go the same way it come if you fight it you may end up giving the obsession more power over you than it already has.

25-04-06, 10:35

I agree with what Jackie says but before you do any asking find out if she already has a boyfriend, you do'nt really want to build your hopes up to find this girl is already with someone.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

25-04-06, 12:07
a wee bit of advice try not to pin all your hopes on one person if u appear too desperate then that may put her off.
Could you maybe suggest meeting with a group of people from your course for a drink afterwards and make sure she goes then it will give you a better chance of getting to know her better and like alex says find out if she is single or not.
I hope it goes ok for u

........life is for living not just for surviving

25-04-06, 12:07
Hi there,

Can you try getting to know her a bit better first maybe. Maybe try chatting to her for a bit longer when you see her and seeing if you have anything in common, then maybe you could take it from there and ask her if she'd like to do something with you one day, even just go for a drink or a coffee.

Good luck,


25-04-06, 14:03
Hey Daydreamer !

I was in exactly the same position when I had a crush on my, now, ex-boyfriend. We were together for 7 years, but only after I plucked up the courage to ask him out for a drink, but I quickly suggested that a group of us went out for a drink, then I could inadvertently get to know him a lot better, but with the subtle drop back of a group of mutual friends. At the end of that night, as we were all going to our cars, I caught up with him, said what a great night I had had and how much I had enjoyed his company, and you know what ..... he suggested to me that we go out for a drink on our own !! Hey Presto.

Take the slowly, slowly approach my friend. Believe me, a lady does not want to know that she is being looked at constantly by a stranger.

We are also not mind readers !! This lady, I believe, has no idea that you like her and she never will unless you let her know.

Just think of it like this. When you ask her out, it could be one minute of embarrassment or elation. 60 seconds of heaven or pure hell. That's a miniscule amount of time in your lifetime that you have to endure.

Ask her out, before you develop an ulcer with all the stress and anxiety you are giving your stomach !!!!

Go on, you have absolutely NOTHING to lose.

Good Luck.

If the opportunity doesn't knock .... build a door.

Miss Pink
25-04-06, 15:25

I had a similar thing with a lad on my course at Uni a few years ago. I was so keen to talk to him, but went shy and said the wrong things when he was around.

If she's on your course, why not suggest a "course night out" - go to a local pub/club - that way I'm sure there would be an opportunity to talk to her - suss out if she's single, chat to her about what she likes/dislikes. A good way to get talking is to make a few jokes about your course, your weird tutor etc, that way when you see her in class, you can keep adding to the joke and will have a little "bond" going

If you don't get to see her out socially, see if any of your friends know her friends - see if you can organise a time where you will be out together, etc

if all that fails, a smile to a girl with a "hello" each time you see her is more impressive than a lot of other things so give that a go !

Its tough having a crush, but sometimes it work out just fine!

Good Luck !


‹(•¿•)› Best Wishes To You All ! ‹(•¿•)›

Piscian Daydreamer
25-04-06, 18:23
Thank you so much for your posts everyone!

I'm gonna take every bit of advice youve given me, and i'll try and use it..

Many thanks

You lot, just do not deserve anxiety.
