View Full Version : anus problems sorry

21-06-11, 10:21
hi i have ibs and when ive been for a poo sorry i find however much i wipe and clean my bottom when ever i use the toilet i always wipe front to back and they is still poo on the tissue its making me feel dirty anyone else have this problem x sorry for tmi

21-06-11, 11:27
Hi Brontie
Yes I have the same problem. I whipe my bottom as you do , I have some whipes(unscented) to finish my bottom off and put the used whipes into lined bathroom bin. ( it is a nuisance I know,But cannot think of ant thing else)
Bless X

21-06-11, 11:28
Sorry Bronte wrong name spelt. I am nervous wreck this morn

21-06-11, 13:44
thanks magic but sometimes i can visit the toilet again for a wee and there will be some more poo on the tissue its as if ive got a leak lol it not a new problem but im getting fed up of it x

21-06-11, 13:52
Has this always been a problem or is it recent. I only ask because I have had this problem since I gave birth 30 years ago! I had an extensive episiotomy where they cut through into my back passage and although they did a great job stitching me up I was told in later years by a bowel consultant that my rectum is like a baggy sock:blush: so any poo that is left in that bit leaks out. If I have loose poo then like you I find that I leak a bit afterwards. This is not something anyone wants to admit to! I have devised excellent ways of managing this but I do find it is much worse if I have bad ibs and loose poo:whistles:

Obviously you will not have the baggy rectum :blush: that I have but any loosening of the rectum muscles for example weight gain or just age will make this more likely to happen especially with ibs.

21-06-11, 14:05
Hi hope you don't mind a bloke giving his opinion. I work in healthcare and one of the most effective ways to pass a motion, if someone is constipated is to stimulate the anus by massaging. If you think about it, every time you wipe you are stimulating the anus. It's a bit of a catch 22 really, best thing I can suggest is cold wipes, they cause the sphincter muscles to tighten. Nice weather we're having today, don't you think?

21-06-11, 19:54
hi all thanks for your replies and to RSH71 no i dont mind you replying in fact the weather bit made me giggle thanks x