View Full Version : work related group?

21-06-11, 10:58
I passed medical, :-) should of passed first time round though.. They back datin money but dunno when im getting it.

Any way, ive been put in work related activity group, what is this actually? Will they make me work somewhere, as i can't go out on my own.. Having interviews at job centre will stress me out, what activitys are there? Please someone explain who's had this. When will this start as have review in october.
Worrying me know!

Id rather be in support group,
i'm happy that i can finally pay my phone bill and not live off me mums money

21-06-11, 19:13
Hi there,
I was origionally placed in the work related activity group, but i appealed this descision as i am bedridden with M.E and barely get to the loo, so the prospect of going to appointments was not an option. my appeal was succesful and i was placed in the support group. As far as i can remember from the info i had they set a time limit in which they hope to get you back into work, for me they said 12 months, (until they changed my group) but 2 years on i am still bedridden and very poorly. The appointmets you go to initally are to see what support they can offer you to help you back in the work place, i don't know if it operates the same in your area, but here they are quite supportive and can offer all sorts of training programmes, but try not to worry to much about it all, just explain to them your health issues and between you and your support worker you will come up with an action plan for the best way forward, but as far as i know you do have to attend the appoinments or they may stop or reduce your money. i have heard of other people with similar issues to you, that have been to the meetings but told they don't need to keep going back for now as they can see that working just isn't an option for them whilst suffering aggrophobia/anxiety/panic. Try not to worry to much about it as the hard bit of getting them to listen and understand why you cannot work is done xx