View Full Version : Mole with dark bits - please help

21-06-11, 11:27
Hi There,
Today I noticed a mole I have had for years on my chest has black bits in it. Can normal moles have dark areas in them? I dont know how long the darker bits have been there for. I am scared. The mole is raised but always has been.

Thanks for any help

21-06-11, 12:07

I had a mole removed from my leg back in March that sounds identical to yours. It was about 4mm in diameter and was slightly raised, it also had dark spots on it. When the Doc looked at it he wasn't that concerned about it but I asked to be refered to a Dermatologist. She looked at it and like the Doc didn't seem to worried but removed it anyway.

The results came back as fine and the mole was completely normal.

So I'm sure yours in fine as well but its always worth getting it checked anyway...it can't harm.

21-06-11, 12:33
Thanks. Everything you read says that moles should all be one colour! x

21-06-11, 13:29
Dr Google by any chance??....A good example then that you shouldn't believe all you read.

21-06-11, 14:32
It's good to get it checked out for peace of mind, but if it was turning into anything nasty it would change quite quickly. I've had a couple of moles removed which turned out to be fine and dermatologist said that if it was sinister I would have noticed it growing and/or changing colour in a very short amount of time, as in couple of weeks. I have some that got dark bits in them and just keep eye on them to check they're not changing.

Hazel B
21-06-11, 14:56
See your doctor, or go to a mole clinic.

21-06-11, 22:38
It is best to get it checked, and don't Google either!

I have a mole on my arm which seems to have many typical signs of melanoma (according to Google):
- Changed after being sunburnt
- Gone from being raised to flat
- Changed from being browny orange to pinky red
- Gone from being round to asymmetrical
- Sometimes half of it disappears

My Doctor looked at it under a magnifying glass and said it looks perfectly normal. Each time I go to the Doctors now I get her to check it again, just for reassurance. I was terrified because my mole looked just like how Google said melanoma moles look. I felt better after talking to the Doctor about it, rather than looking online.

So my point is, many moles may 'look' cancerous and have 'signs' of melanoma that we've all read about on Google, but no mole actually looks perfect anyway. Just go to the Doctor and you will be reassured, I promise.
