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Jonny X
21-06-11, 15:05
I'm new to this so I guess I should start at the beginning...

In mid-December 2010 I caught a nasty virus which was mainly an upset stomach but I also fainted. I recovered from this after a couple of days and felt back to normal, however in mid-January I was at home watching TV when suddenly this strange feling came over me, it's hard to explain but I just had to get up and walk around - I'm wondering now whether it was some sort of panic attack. For the next couple of days I felt pretty rubbish, really tired and light headed.

I went to my GP who took some blood and arranged for an ECG. Both were normal and I was told it was probably a case of taking time to recover from the virus. On and off since then I'm still not feeling 'normal'. I'm getting periods of feeling light headed which can last for days. I tend to really think about why I'm not feeling well and worry about it which I imagine makes everything worse! I went back to my GP last month who arranged for a fasting blood test which again came back normal. I went back again last Friday to discuss the results and she thinks it's a case of anxiety. I guess this is probably the case because over the last few months of not feeling right I've constantly been thinking about it and worrying why I'm not feeling normal. I worry that I've got some nasty illness even though every test I've had has come back fine.

My main problem is feeling light headed and woozy. I had my eyes tested in March and was told I'm slightly long sighted but my GP doesn't think this would cause my light headedness.

And that's my story!

Jonny :)

21-06-11, 15:06
Hi Jonny X

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-06-11, 17:37
sounds like some light anxiety ..... some relataxion may help you with the light headedness