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View Full Version : Arghh! wish this anxiety would go away now

21-06-11, 16:17
The last two weeks it feels like i have really gone backwards with my anxiety/HA/PA. I know in my head when i get all the nervous and physical feelings its anxiety but i cant seem to stop my body from completly overracting! (I never used to be like this which makes it so much more frustrating)

I'm currently having counselling/CBT (two sessions so far, every other week) but i just cant seem to stop my body from overracting at the slightest little ill feeling. I have ordered a book by Dr Claire Weekes today in the hope that this will help and i also have a relaxation CD i listen to.

Today has been so bad i've have started taking Kalms and i'm also carrying around rescue remedy.

Please tell me it gets better!!!????!!!

21-06-11, 16:54
It does get better (although Im having a set back myself right now, but thats just me lol).

I found CBT very helpful. Ive also read some of Claire Weekes's stuff.

Im also going to give the rescue remedy a go this week, which is a new one for me.

I hope you feel better soon.

21-06-11, 16:56
It definatley gets better! You're on the right track and if you continue helping yourself in this really brave way, the faster it will get better. The more you continue to try and live a "normal" life and ignore anxiety the less your mind will (unintentionally) tell your body to react.

Don't start avoding going out or doing anything purely because of anxiety because this will just make the situation worse in the long run, facing your fears is a great way to keep anxiety at bay. As is exericse, a bit of sunshine and a healthy lifestyle! :)

I know it probably feels like being happy and unpanicky is a lifetime away from you right now but it's really not. With the right attitude and the right support (that you'll hopefully gain from here) it's well within grasp for you.

Feel better soon xx

21-06-11, 19:07
Thank you so much spagetti and pockerface - your replies make me feel better and less alone! :hugs:

Its difficult as my family all live 160 miles away and they dont really understand why i'm getting anxiety after being given a clean bill of health. (to be honest i dont understand it all the time either!) Wish i could make them understand. I dont want to keep bothering them and my friends and work colleagues. It feels like im really starting to annoy them with all of this - who can blame them tho, im getting annoyed with myself too! :weep:

What a day, after feeling on edge for most of it i went straight to the doctors after work to ask if there is anything i can do to help get rid of these physical symtpoms. Dr said it will just get less and less over time - also quite surprised that when he took my BP it was 120/80 not sure if thats the effect of the kalms i've been taking all day but thats the lowest its been since February when all this started.

Thanks again both sorry about the long post - Sometimes i feel better after writing it all down!! xxx

And to make my day even worse i've just had an argument with my mum over the phone over all the anxiety. If i hear one more time 'your fine, there's nothing wrong with you pack all this worrying over nothing in' i am going to SCREAM!!!! Actually I think i'll just have a nice long cry and see if that helps get it out of my system. xx

22-06-11, 09:12
Most people (if not all) on the Health Anxiety boards have continual anxiety after being told they're completely fine, me included, it's just H.A for you!

A lot of people with no experience with anxiety get frustrated, all my family and friends did with me, it's not because they don't love you or they're mad at you it's because they can't understand why this is happening and why you're thinking the way you are, but that's what this website is for! :) Everyone will find someone that understands their situation, whatever form of anxiety or whatever issue it is.

Your doc is right, it will get less and less over time. At my worst I was having 3-10 palpitations a day now I get like none apart from when I've got PMT.

How are you feeling today? xx

22-06-11, 10:24
I've decided to try taking Kalms for a couple of weeks just to give me a bit of a helping hand with the physical symptoms of the anxiety. Feel like i understand it all in my head - its just hard to accept your fine sometimes when you feel so sick and shakey and nervours all the time!

It was palpitations that started this for me and now i dont get them at all!! Thats the crazy thing - its like as soon as i start to feel better i notice that i feel better and then start panicing about when i'm going to feel ill again and it all starts again - if that makes sence?

Im feeling a bit better today thanks - not sure if thats the Kalms tho lol, just feel very tired as i had a nice long cry last night and then fell asleep - not a good look the day after lol

I cant wait for the day when i can put all this behind me... xxx:flowers: