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View Full Version : Terrified about tomorrow, please help me!

21-06-11, 17:43
I am currently suffering panic attacks followed by very high anxiety levels every day. I feel sick all the time and have diarrhoea every day, it is much worse in the mornings. I wake up panicking around 5.30am usually and that's it for much of the day then, I find it very hard to calm down even if I take a Diazepam.

I am scared to take Immodium to stop the upset tummy as I had an extremely bad abdominal pain on Saturday and an ambulance was called. I currently can hardly leave the house, my partner collects my duaghter from school and I can just about function. This all started when I began to take Citalopram which I have now stopped after 10 days as per my dr's advice.

So why am I scared about tomorrow? I have a Dr's appt at 9.20am, my worst time of day, them my partner is taking our baby son about 100 miles away to see a relative so I will have no support and will need to pick up my daughter from school no matter what. I am so terrified I cannot even think straight, I have hardly been able to calm down today.

How on earth do I cope with it all?

21-06-11, 18:07
I'm not sure if this is possible for you, but can you take cabs to the doctors and to pick yout daughter up from school. I am agoraphobic & my son starts nursery in Sept. I have already decided that, if I am having such a bad day that I can't get the less than 5min journey to the school, I will take a cab-no matter what the cabbie thinks of me!!!!
Do you think you may have IBS or were the stomach problems because of the pills? I only ask because it is a really common symptom of IBS, not only that you get a dodgy belly, but it is worse in the morning. Just a thought.
Above all, remember (and I know it is easier said than done, but I shall say it anyway), anxiety really is JUST feelings....no matter how real it feels.

Good luck for tomorrow, you will be ok:hugs:

21-06-11, 21:01
It is IBS, I have had it for years. I also have a phobia of being sick, so the severe nausea is very difficult for me.

I know rationally that it's only adrenalin causing the feelings, but the fact that I can't sit still, have tingling throughout my body and an overwhelming feeling of terror just makes me lose control.

I intend to drive the 5 min journey to the drs as I don't want to walk.

21-06-11, 21:50
Driving there is fine, it's getting there that is important. I also have a huge fear of being sick so I completely understand the struggle with the constant nausea. It has kept me indoors more times than I care to remember!!!
Maybe do some breathing exercises. Even if it doesn't calm you down totally, it should help a bit x