View Full Version : Feel terrible

Silly Blonde
25-04-06, 09:53
After having had bad stomach ache yesterday, I decided to go for a very short run last night (I started running again on Sunday after 18 months of doing no exercise at all).

I was only out for 10 mins, alternating jogging and walking, when I got back, my stomach ache went but now I have really really bad lower back ache.

I am convinced I have something growing inside me, that presses on my back or bowel - depending on where it is.

I also feel really rubbish today, but maybe that's just the back ache that is making me feel bad.

Why oh why can I not just accept there is nothing physically wrong with me??????? I have a smear test this week with the nurse, am tempted to make an appointment with the doctor immediately afterwards. Even though I have seen her soooooooomany times for the same symptoms.

I am sick and tired of all this.:(

25-04-06, 09:58
your not alone in this horrible torture, but while you are this bad, reassurance is what you need so no punishing yourslef for doing things that make this horrible thing that wee bit easier. whatever it takes for some relief

i too do this and i know it can be embarrasing, but you need to do it for a slight peace of mind whilst things are bad, even though you know in your heart it is only muscle and tension caused by the constant fear we are feeling


25-04-06, 10:16
no,your lower back ache is because you went out running and after 18 months of no exercise your back and core muscles which support you are weak and just need to be strengthened, you need to do some basic core stability work to help you out here,trust me thats all thats wrong with you,make sure you so some stretching work today and dont allow yourself to stiffen up, you will feel sore for a few days but if you keep up the exercise it will ease, good luck and let us know how you are getting on.

I just want my life back

Silly Blonde
25-04-06, 14:51
Thanks all.

I used to do Bikram Yoga (we, went once last year, felt sick for 3 days afterwards so didn't bother!!) - its normal yoga but done in 120 degree heat so I was obviously very dehydrated because I hadn't drank enough!!

I spoke to the instructor this morning and asked her advice - she said the same as Nell - ie, my stomach muscles, hamstrings etc will all be very very weak (no exercise AT ALL for over 18 months now) and so this puts pressure on the spine. She has told me to try yoga again but to drinks loads and to take it really steady for my first few classes.

Going to start this weekend!! Maybe I jumped the gun a little - trying to run before I can walk!!!!

Back is still painful - also stomach ache and feel like poo - but hey ho I'm still alive!! Just want to go home and have a nice hot bath! I will keep moving Nell, as it does feel worse when I am sitting still! Keep spraying heat stuff on my back which is really annoying my room mate at work!! Hee Hee!!!

25-04-06, 15:37
see i told you it was nothing to worry about, ive just done 5 miles so we will see what kinda state im in tomorrow,lol

I just want my life back