View Full Version : What could these symptoms mean?

21-06-11, 17:54
Headache two days in a row, around my eyes and the sides of my head mostly
Pain in ears (like pressure) with headaches
Sudden nausea/dizziness yesterday morning; nausea lasted until noon
Random body aches; almost like I'm hypersensitive to pain lately

No fever, no history of migraines, no history of sinus problems. I live in the South, if that means anything.

I know you aren't doctors and can't diagnose me over the internet, but I don't even know if these symptoms warrant a doctor's visit. I don't have health insurance. I've only had these problems for two days. What could it be?

21-06-11, 19:55
Migraine. I had one yesterday - everything you listed minus body aches. Get some Excederin Migraine and it should help. (The heat we're having doesn't help either.)