View Full Version : Not wanting to be shocked

25-04-06, 12:10
I think a lot of my anxiety is to do with not wanting to be shocked or surprised by bad news/bad experiences. I try and brace myself for the worst all the time, so that I am prepared for it.

Very often I will dread answering the telephone in case it's someone with bad news and I'll prepare myself for hearing that someone close to me has died when i come home at night.

In some ways it's me wanting to be a smart arse, so that I can say "yes. i've been expecting that". That was how I felt when an ex-girlfriend cheated on me.

The trouble with behaving like that though is that you can never relax and enjoy things. You're constantly braced for the worst and, inevitably, bad things will happen in the end. So, you get to say "told you so". But, even worse, you're still not totally prepared for the news!!

I used to think that my grandad would abuse me if we were left alone- he never did. When I was a kid I was convinced that I had contracted AIDS because the babysitter was a bit camp!

I must learn that 99% of the things that we worry about never happen.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

25-04-06, 12:30
You sound a lot like me I always thought the worst but hoped for best but knew the best was proberly never gona happen to me. I use tyo be scared that my mum had at some time abused me physicaly even thoe I knew it was not ture it was just that I was so scared of everything. I became scared that I was insane at 8y and also scared that I was doomed never to have kids eva cause I wanted kids so badly. At 13 I started getting scared that at some point I had been raped and didn't remeber I was obsessed the whole rape issues and many other's.

I'm 28y now and just diagnoised with OCD I have a fear of hurting people emotionaly and phyicaly and I have obsessive thinking and always felt like I little to no control Over my thinking and now that I'm med's I know what it means now to NOT think but before I use to got so upset that people were telling me to not think so much I had no idea ow not to think and people would tell me I was insane for saying I could not not think lol.

You may have OCD if you always in fear of the worst like thinking answering the phone might mean hearing about a death ect. OCD is often a fear so far fetched but even thoe you know it proberly wont happen you cant help but prepareing you self for or doing something to counteract it it's called compulsive behaviour and you need tom prepare your self might very well be a mental complusion you have. If you have not already been told you have OCD it might be worth reserching Pure O OCD and all other type's as well. There is not just one type of OCD.

25-04-06, 15:43
i think thats a lot of all our problem, expecting the worse, ive always been a pessimist much to my families annoyance but like they say you gotta be in it to win it.

I just want my life back