View Full Version : exercise

21-06-11, 20:06
just done sum exercise having a panic attack blood presssure 151 99 think im gona die

21-06-11, 20:15
im still here

21-06-11, 20:24
also took blood pressure before 128 82 with pulse 114 and 151 83 pulse 104 145 99 pulse 109 am i ok

obsessive b
21-06-11, 20:30
Your blood pressure is absolutely fine and espacially if you have just excercised please don't worry and stop taking yur blood pressure I got obsessed with doing that and it just makes you worse. :-)

obsessive b
21-06-11, 20:32
Your pulse will race aswell while your taking your blood pressure because you are worrying about the results honestly if you ar like me and always checking it when you learn not too you will feel so much better. I hoep this helps


21-06-11, 20:40

23-06-11, 10:00
Your blood pressure is absolutely fine and espacially if you have just excercised please don't worry and stop taking yur blood pressure I got obsessed with doing that and it just makes you worse. if you ar like me and always checking it when you learn not too you will feel so much better. I hoep this helps

02-07-11, 19:26
Regarding exercise and blood pressure, please take note of the following:-

"Lifting a heavy weight or doing a heavy pressing movement like a leg press can raise blood pressure to numbers like 350 systolic (the top number) to 150 diastolic (the bottom number) -- even in people with normal blood pressure of 120/80. Running can also raise systolic blood pressure to around 200, but usually without raising diastolic pressure much at all."

Your numbers are modest by all accounts.

Try not to worry as much! :yesyes: