View Full Version : Hi...

21-06-11, 21:19
Hi, just been googling ways to overcome my anxiety and blushing and found this site, thought I would register.
Soo...about me...
Ever since I can remember I have blushed incredibly easily and been very shy and anxious in certain situations.
I'm 21 and just finished university after studying primary education for the past three years. I am currently looking for my first teaching post, I've had two interviews so far and find that I just get so so nervous and I blush so much (so much so that in my second interview the headteacher commented on 'how much i coloured').
I have just found out I've got another interview next week but I'm already getting nervous about it.
Thought I would join the site to try and overcome this problem....hope I haven't babbled too much.

21-06-11, 21:21
Hi lil_miss

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-06-11, 21:27

I suffer terribly from the same problem in stressful situations. In addition i start to sweat lots which is very embarrassing. The more i think about it the worse it becomes. It has put me off going for jobs. I do find relaxation exercises seem to help.
I do hope you can overcome it.


22-06-11, 07:44
Hi, welcome to NMP! I'm pretty new myself and I qualified as a primary teacher last June!

I know how stressful job interviews can be, especially teaching ones as they make you do all kinds of tasks and observations. I had 3 last year - securing a position on my last one, that lasted till Christmas. Then I had 2 this year resulting in a position from May-Dec. What got me through mine and stopped me panicking too much was knowing how hard I'd worked to qualify and that I really did want to be a teacher. The drive to get a good result somehow pushed me through them and apart from one horrendous interview, they all went well and gave good comments about my confidence! I think sometimes its a mind of matter issue - and a bit of self belief works wonders!

Kathryn x