View Full Version : Newbie

21-06-11, 21:29
Hello, my name is Kat and I just signed up for this site because my sister thought it would be good for me to communicate with people who been experimenting with the same issues like me. I've been struggling with Panic attacks, depression, Low self esteem, OCD and Anger problems for almost my whole life and it'd be nice to know that I'm not alone anymore!

21-06-11, 21:31
Hi pineapplegoddess

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-06-11, 21:33
Hi kat.

Your definitely not alone. I've struggled with similar symptoms for about 30 years. But now i'm doing something about it. Gone to the doctor who has me on a low dose of citalopram and is arranging therapy. I'm also exercising and doing relaxation. So one day things will be better. the chatroom on here is good..lots of ovely people.

Take care


22-06-11, 09:52
Hi Kat:) This site is great and everyone is so helpful and understanding.
Its helped me a lot already.