View Full Version : Absolutely terrified right now i'm going to have a heart attack. So scared :(

22-06-11, 01:16
Hi guys, I'm having an extremely bad panic right now. Basically for the past week on and off i've had a weird pain/pressure feeling in between my shoulder blades. And feeling like I needed to burp loads, so I figured it was just indigestion or whatever. So I googled it and found a few things to do with acid reflux, etc.

But then accidently I saw one post that said it can be a sign of a heart attack coming on, especially in women. And the other symptoms were fatigue, nausea and muscle weakness.

And all of today i've been feeling EXTREMELY fatigued, to the point where I fell asleep at one point. It came on after I felt really sick and queezy.

It's been getting worse and worse, and about 10 minutes ago I had a complete freak out I was actually going to have a heart attack. I'm 22 by the way. And I had my heart sounded by the DR last week and she said it was ok.

But I'm still absolutely terrified guys. Why do I feel so exhausted? And so queezy out of the blue? And whats this pain in between my shoulder blades? I also feel a bit out of breath. And I don't know if i'm imagining it but I keep getting pains near my heart and my left arm feels weak and strange.

Please, please, please help me out here guys. Does anyone else get any of these things? Is it just indigestion?

Thanks for reading so much :(

22-06-11, 01:25
Head into chat. I'm sure you will find some helpful people there.

22-06-11, 02:42
Never ever google! All it does is scare the crap out of you!

That being said I have had all the symptoms you are having right now.
The pain between your shoulder blades can be tension due to anxiety. Of course your fatigued! You've been battling with major anxiety and when I had bad anxiety attacks that lasted a long time, I just wanted to go to bed and sleep for a longggggg longgggg time! It's exhausting both for your mind and body. This is probably why your muscles feel weak also.
Nausea...I've felt like I was going to throw up but never have. I have heard of people who do throw up with anxiety, thankfully that isn't something that I've experienced! I'm not sure why I got nauseous....maybe anxiety just messes with your stomach the way that it does with the rest of the body.

Used to get lots of chest pains, like you I went to the doc and was told I was ok but it took me a long time to convince myself (several years and tons of visits to the doc and the ER) that there wasn't something seriously wrong with my heart.

The burping/indigestion issue.... I can only speak from my own experience. I used to get so backed up with air that I would feel like I couldn't get a good deep breath in! I finally realized I was swallowing LOADS of air when I was anxious and consciencely would stop myself from doing it as much. I also started on gas-x which helped ;)

All of this is scary stuff! Feeling this way especially for drawn out periods of time is draining on your mind, body, and spirit. There were nights that I'd be up all night long suffering through and days where I just couldn't function because I was so exhausted.
All I can say is keep researching...keep reading stories from others who were where you are now and have made it through...never give up or give in to despair because it does get better!!!!!
Last but certainly not least always ask for support when you need it!!!
Much love, light, and peace from me to you!!!

22-06-11, 11:55
Thanks for your reply. I'm still pretty worried about this in between shoulder blade pain :( does anyone else get this?

22-06-11, 12:38
if it was a heart attack do you think you would be writing on this web site some one told me everytime i think im having a heart attack to run up and down the stairs :) works !

22-06-11, 12:43
It does sound like acid reflux to me.

Pains near the heart do not usually mean a heart attack. That pain is central in the chest.

22-06-11, 12:46
It's more the fear that I am going to have one. I know I'm not having one yet. Just because of what I read about the pain between the shoulder blades, fatigue and nausea can be signs of a heart attack going to happen.

But surely having these symptoms on and off for a while wouldn't mean that would it?

Bleh I feel so so awful :(

22-06-11, 12:54
You would have had the heart attack by now. If the pains are on and off then it is highly unlikely it is a pending heart attack to be honest.

22-06-11, 13:20
Thanks for your reply. I feel a bit better now. I'm gonna try concentrate on my CBT for w bit. Hopefully this fatigue and other things will go away.

22-06-11, 13:40
Glad you feel a bit calmer now

22-06-11, 13:50
Yeah I just wish I didn't have this sick queezy tired feeling :( it's hard to relax with it.