View Full Version : why do i still have this calf pain?

22-06-11, 08:05
I have been having this pain in the back of my right calf for over a week now and on Sunday my panic got the better of me and I went to the walk in clinic, they did blood tests which came back negative so no blood clot which was what I was worried about. So after that reassurance I thought the calf pain would go away but it is still there, so now my mind is thinking what could it be?
I have taken the day off work today which is very rare for me but I think the worrying I have done over the last week over one thing or another has totally worn me out plus I am 1 week into taking fluoxetine so think its just hitting me xx

22-06-11, 09:27
Could you be tensing it? I used to get awful calf pain when my anxiety was bad because of lack of movement and tensing it because it hurt which made it hurt even more. Or you could have pulled it slightly, my mum pulls the muscle in her calf something awful sometimes!

If it eases in hot baths or when anything warms put on it or eases up when you're walking or moving it's a strained muscle. I think a pulled muscle hurts a lot even with hot water and hurts even more when you exercise it though! xx