View Full Version : Try to breathe from stomach but can't get breath from stomach, feels obstructed?

22-06-11, 10:06
Anyone ever try to do breathing exercise and breathe from their stomach? I was just trying to do this and it feels just as hard to breathe as from my chest?? I was checked by the doctor about breathing yesterday but she said I was fine, though I had struggle taking the 'deep breath' then (which I didnt tell her)
Sorry I keep posting about this its really getting me worried as I have it all the time the last few days (even in the night)

22-06-11, 10:18
Hi violetwings

I breathe from my stomach automatically as I have done a lot of singing training, so I don't really think about it.

However, there is a basic tip from learning to sing that you might find useful in getting over this. When you breathe, don't think about having to actively fill your lungs with air - just let them fill themselves. The muscles around your ribs work automatically and open your ribs so that your lungs have space to expand as the air rushes in.

Our brains are programmed to do this, and if you try to interfere with what's known as an autonomic process, you'll actually make it more difficult.

I have had problems with becoming too aware of my breathing though, so I know where you're coming from.

18-08-11, 19:33
Are you lying down when you do the breathing exercises?