View Full Version : on my way

22-06-11, 10:58

Some of you know that I had a relapse of agoraphobia at the beginning of the year and I have been working slowly towards getting myself back on the right track. I was beginning to despair a little over how slow my progress was but just wanted to share some good news... Over the last week I have been going to a busy local shopping area and going into shops, today I actually went into the supermarket and bought a basket of food, even going to the check out the furthest from the doors! There's still a long way to go, but if someone had asked me 10 days ago if I would be shopping I would have said no. Its so good to know that things can change :)

Take care and be hopeful!

paula lynne
22-06-11, 11:01
Well done Spy, this is a fantastic achievement for you, keep at it! Ive got some info Id like to pass on to you, hope you find something helpful in it. Best wishes! Paula x:yahoo:

22-06-11, 11:05
Thanks Paula,

I was just reading your thread, well done to you too! I really feel the difference when I'm eating well too and supplements aren't the same. :)

Take carexx

22-06-11, 11:27
Spy, you are doing incredibly well, and it is all down to your bravery and methodical hard work. Well done :yesyes:

22-06-11, 11:39
Thanks Rain, you can do it too! Get back to those woods and walking those dogs! :bighug1:

macc noodle
22-06-11, 19:55
I spy with my little eye (lol) something beginning with S - a success story for spy!!!!!!

Well done - what a brilliant acheivement and I know you can beat this.

Love from

Macc Noodle


23-06-11, 17:01
Aw thanks macc :hugs:

We need to play I spy again!


23-06-11, 21:04
Hi Spy,

I am so pleased for you, well done :D I have been where you are and it takes determination. I see from your post that you had a relapse, we all do sometimes but we pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off and carry on. so pleased for you. Keep on the upward path :D


23-06-11, 21:36
Thanks Lynnann for your kind words :)