View Full Version : ginger for anxiety nausea?

22-06-11, 11:46
I have some root ginger, but it's just raw and you know, in a giant knobbly thing, so I was wondering what I'm meant to do with it hahaah?

22-06-11, 11:54
You can make some tea with it and add lemon .its nice hot or cold ..Sem ginger from the health food shop is better and is sweeter ..Both are very effective ....Sue

22-06-11, 12:04
Sorry meant to say ,,grate a bit of it (teaspoon or two) and pour boiling water on it and leave to infuse for a while .Then strain you can add it to weak tea ,as its bitter if you dont .Sugar and lemon to taste ...:DSue

23-06-11, 13:39
thank you!