View Full Version : ***Determined to fight this***

22-06-11, 13:58
Hi everyone!!

I'm one of those people who's been coming on the site for ages but only just got the guts to accept my anxiety disorder & sign up. Which was hard for me.

I've been taking Propranolol for 2 weeks now after finally plucking up the courage to speak to the doctor & accept that it's panic & not a tumour, a heart attack, a blood clot...etc etc etc & am starting to feel better physically but the horrid thoughts are still there.

Some of your stories have made me cry because it's so upsetting to read that someone is going through the same thing as you, but they've also inspired me to force myself better & not let this beat me!!!

I know it's going to be a long, uphill battle but I'm determined to fight it now!

22-06-11, 13:59
Hi M155anthr0p3

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-06-11, 15:11
Lovely positive attitude! :)

Welcome to NMP, hope it helps you on your way to beating anxiety, you can do it, anyone can do it with the right frame of mind and support, keep up the good work. xx

22-06-11, 15:50
Accepting that it's anxiety is a huge step forward and talking to your doc about it is too so you've made great strides already!!! Way To Go!!
I know you will find lots of useful info and a great new group of supportive friends here!

22-06-11, 17:15

Just want to say hello and well done for taking the first steps. This site is amazing, I've learnt so much from it-it also helps a lot to know you're not alone with this illness-although you wouldn't wish it on anyone!

You will find this site & the help & support you receive invaluable

Take care & good luck x

22-06-11, 17:28
Thanks for the lovely messages guys, I feel better already xxx